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About julius

  • Birthday 11/26/2017

julius's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Awesome!! Thanks for all the great suggestions!
  2. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on good moderate (5.8-5.11) multipitch climbs at Yosemite beyond the "classics" -- have already climbed East Buttress of El Cap, Moratorium, Serenity Crack, Sons of Yesterday, Royal Arches to Crest Jewel, Snake Dike, Regular Route on Higher Cathedral Spire, NE Buttress of Higher Cathedral Rock, East Buttress of Middle Cathedral, Central Pillar of Frenzy, the Rostrum. Am considering Steck Salathe, South by Southwest, Braille Book, lots of single pitch options, (not strong enough or brave enough for Astroman yet) but would love to hear from anyone about some less obvious options that they would recommend. Thanks.
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