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Posts posted by RocketJSquirrel

  1. I read everything posted here, but very, very rarely post because I usually don't have anything better to add that hasn't already been posted. With that said, perusing the link and attached files posted at the link that diepj posted, I noted that Wilderness Watch is one of the supporters of this project.


    The simple fact that WW supports this destroyed any faith I may have had in this. I cannot in good faith support and work with anything WW supports. Just one guy's opinion.

  2. Currently on the iPod: the entire catalog of Soilwork, In Flames, and Killswitch Engage; a ton of the rest: Fear Factory, Slayer, Shadows Fall, Tool, Five Finger Death Punch, Hatebreed, Lamb of God, and Rammstein. I move quicker for longer periods of time when I'm focused, and yes, I do stop to enjoy the view from time to time.

  3. What an awesome guy. It was really nice to see him greet people, shake their hands, and ask them their names. Even during Q&A, same thing- he'd shake your hand if you were close enough. He seems like a genuinely nice fella. I wish he'd had more time than he did. I strongly recommend seeing him talk if you ever get a chance.

  4. I focused the bulk of my search in the wrong spot. I admit I didn't pay as much attention between the first waterfall and the subsequent rap station. I'm headed back up there soon, I'll find that camera if it's still there.


    I heard one avalanche on the north side of Baring while I was up there. To tell you the truth, the avy danger on the south side of Merchant wasn't low, but for as high as I went, it was a risk I was willing to take. There was quite a bit of evidence of fresh slides, and in many places, your tracks were covered.

  5. I was up there today, and spent extra time searching for it. No luck. I should've asked- two rock washes merge at the base of the first waterfall- did you leave it behind in the eastern one or the western one? The usual approach is via the eastern one, and I looked quite a bit. FWIW, I saw two other folks up there, they hadn't seen it when I left them, but maybe they found it. Good luck!


    Snow conditions were absolute crap up high btw. Knee to hip deep slush on top of great snow. I saw your tracks in places, in many places, they were covered with fresh avalanche debris. I envy the conditions you had!

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