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Posts posted by JoeE

  1. I am a TAY'er and only visited this site thanks to a link from TAY. While I agree with the general sentiment regarding a mandated use of PLB's and similar devices we should be open to educating ourselves with how in the hands of an educated user, streamline the rescue process. I see two key issues with PLB's; 1) uneducated and possibly unprepared users initiating a rescue when not required and 2) communicating info between the PLB and the SAR boots in the mud and snow.


    Kevin Stoltz and Marko Liias are both friends of mine and I am proud to say that I voted for both of them, why, because they listen and they typically vote the same way I would. The comments about Kevins motivation for profiteering are way off base. Yes, he has a business, but that business is in a position to help provide a tool that in the hands of an educated user has the potential to streamline the rescue process.


    Marko's legislation may not be the right approach in our opinions, but what the heck he got our attention and now we have his. He is in a position to help both with SAR, Northwest Avalanche Center, education etc. he is more friend than foe.


    Kevin and Marko, may not be climbers but they are both in a position to help should we be willing to sit down and talk. I challenge the professional guides, local SAR teams and other groups educating climbers to both work with Marko and Kevin to bridge the gaps between the technology, users and SAR teams. At the same time we need to educate users that many peoples lives are interrupted and potentially put at risk as soon as a PLB, SPOT or any other similar device is activated.


    Accidents will always happen and as users we should do everything possible to minimize the hazards and exposure our dedicated SAR teams are subjected to. We would be foolish to not seize the opportunity to have this discussion with our state representatives and businessmen who are in positions to help. Seems like PMR realizes this and is trying to bridge the gap between climbers, Legislature and Technology.


    Kevin, you are in a unique position to potentially help improve communication between PLB's and SAR teams. Please don't let a few poorly worded comments deter you from working with PMR.



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