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About Paulo1981

  • Birthday 11/26/2017

Paulo1981's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Hi, I'm Paul, 29, french. Washington is the last part of my roadtrip in USA. I would like to climb two days in Leavenworth (or anywhere else, I'm opened to any location in Washington) 26th and 27th. So, I'm looking for a partner to climb some stuffs. I can lead some trad route, alpine route until 5.8, some boulder (I have a crash pad), or some hard sport routes. I like every style (Sometimes, I like the approach too :-)). If you are interested to climb with me these two days, let me know. Paul
  2. Hi everyone, I'm Paul, french and I just arrived in Vancouver to learn english and also to break the ice in BC for three months. In two weeks, I already finded a room in Vancoover, a phone, a SUV, a climbing gym with a lot of climbers very nice and fun, but noone to climb on ice fall ! I saw a post-it in my climbing gym for a mailing list of ice climber and I'm here, registered on this forum ... I'm looking for an ice climber who knows a little around vancouver to climb on ice fall, for a day, for a week-end, for a week ... I'm free every week-end to do ice climbing. I have a good level in rock climbing and 4-5 years of experience, but less experience in ice climbing ... I've already climbed in lead on easy equiped ice fall. As regard furniture, I have ice screws, ropes, car 4WD, my personnal furnitures ! It miss just a partner to have fun ! See you soon, Paul TORRUELLA PS : Sorry for my english, but I hope you understand me ...
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