So all the plans are in place. All four of us time have cleard our schedules, made arrangements for family concerns etc. The permit in in hand with 4 days on the hill (3 at Ingraham flats), and now the weather is looking suspect. The weather models are inconclusive and perhaps a little far out today to be decisive, but the temps will be dropping and cloudly, perhaps rain/snow showers will be settling in through Thursday.
noaa summary
(Plus the outher usual suspects for extended forecasts.)
Our permit has us starting on Monday the 6th. A call to Longmire was less than productive in trying to make ANY changes work that would push out a couple of days into the weekend.
I have only been up the hill to the top two times before, and don't consider myself an expert by any means in projecting conditions above 10k, but the last time we were up, a nice sea of clouds settled in at about 8k and it was clear above to the summit with moderate wind.
I am leaning twords going, if for no other reason being that this is THE window we have carved out of everyones busy schedules. I would appreciate any thoughts from others with more experience than me with summer conditions on Rainer under these weather circumstanes. Thanks in advance for your response.