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Everything posted by bretjohnston

  1. whats done is done. thanks for putting them back. i appreciate it, and no hard feelings. this will probably be my last post on cc.com. i cant stand the amount of spray that goes on around here. you all have to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and nothing can be changed about that. thanks for doing the right thing guys. hopefully ill see you out at little si and we can have a laugh about this. bret
  2. im done with this. my point has been put across. gear stealers suck. thats all there is to it. bill coe said it best
  3. im a normal guy just like you who has to work to get stuff. please dont dabble in areas you know nothing about.
  4. its very common these days for very popular harder route to have fixed draws on them. Chronic is one of those and they havnt been replaced in a long time. almost all the extensions off of abo and psycho have draws hanging on them too.
  5. it was an entire climbs worth of stuff. booty is a bail beaner or a single draw. not 8 in a row.
  6. thanks bill i appreciate that
  7. this isnt a competition mr jizzy, its a conversation and colin has a good point. i guess i shouldnt have faith that people wont take my gear off of climbs. ive learned my lesson and i wount ever do it again. the real reason this made me so angry is because once i was done with porn star i was going to use those draws to replace all the nasty ones on climbs such as chronic and the whore of babylon which some need to be replaced badly. now i dont have enough to do that. they were going to be donated but now they are gone because of some yahoo.
  8. i guess we dont see eye to eye on this one. its like saying that you cant park your car out side of your home for more than 24 hrs. although it doesnt belong to the thief they are still capable of breaking in and taking it. is that ethical?
  9. i am aware that the cliff doesnt belong to me, but the equipment does. im sorry if i came off a little hard on the post but all i was trying to do was make a statement that steeling a whole climbs worth of draws isnt cool. my bad
  10. if your being serious please give them back. if not. i dont find that to be so funny.
  11. hi my name is bret johnston.on saturday 4/18 i went out to the infamous world wall 1 to try my project porn star. to do so i put some long draws on the lower section abo. i came back sunday and they were still there. so somewhere between sunday 4/19 and tueday 4/21 someone climbed abo and took all of my draws off of the climb. this is not cool! to anyone and everyone who climbs at any washington crag, keep and eye out for five or six older extended metolius draws. two of the draws stolen were petzl sponsor draws so not many people have them. to whoever took these draws off of abo. this is rediculous. have some respect. these do not belong to you! i climb all over the cascades and unles you intend to keep them in your garage, i will see you. sincerely, bret johnston
  12. hi my name is bret johnston.on saturday 4/18 i went out to the infamous world wall 1 to try my project porn star. to do so i put some long draws on the lower section abo. i came back sunday and they were still there. so somewhere between sunday 4/19 and tueday 4/21 someone climbed abo and took all of my draws off of the climb. this is not cool! to anyone and everyone who climbs at anywashington crag, keep and eye out for five or six older extended metolius draws. two of the draws stolen were petzl sponsor draws so not many people have them. to whoever had the balls to take these draws off of abo. this is rediculous. have some respect. these do not belong to you! i climb all over the cascades and unles you intend to keep them in your garage, i will see you!!!! sincerely, bret johnston
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