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Everything posted by IceFrog

  1. Trip: Leavenworth - Drury Falls 1/7/2010 - Drury Falls Date: 1/8/2010 Trip Report: I was driving back from the Methow Valley yesterday and found some ice, hope it stays cold for the weekend. MilePost 242 On the side of the road at mile post 242 on HWY 97 there is a nice fall that freezes almost every year, and it looks great now. Then of course the classic Drury Falls, looking phat and happy.
  2. Looking for some ice climbing partners, I have not climbed for the last 3 years and I am looking to get back into it. I have climbed out in Banks Lake, Vantage, Lillooet, Banff. I'm a little rusty, but ready to get back into it. I am also willing to help out with someone new to ice that would like to learn the basics. I have almost all of January and February in 2010 to go play. I will be living in the Methow Valley and can meet climbers in Lillooet,Banks Lake areas. I will be in Seattle about every other week for work. Chris IceFrog
  3. Trip: Leavenworth - Drury Falls 12/8/09 - Drury Falls Date: 12/9/2009 Trip Report: Picture of Drury falls on December 8, 2009 Looking big and fat, I can not do it this weekend so good luck. It looks like the perfect time to do it, hardly any snow in the gully and the ice is phattt! Happy hunting IceFrog
  4. Goat's Beard in Mazama on January 9, 2009. Still hanging in there after 2 warm days on heavy rain. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_nBLxvUAKInU/SWkVbJVdeYI/AAAAAAAAACQ/IUVS3MMFRxM/s1600-h/Goat2-Jan9-09.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nBLxvUAKInU/SWkVLP0bPrI/AAAAAAAAACI/HwYcPXa2XLo/s1600-h/Goat1-Jan9-09.jpg Drury Falls on the same day http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nBLxvUAKInU/SWkVun5tXoI/AAAAAAAAACY/PakbP1SYGKA/s1600-h/Drury1-9-09.jpg
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