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Wolfgang Braun

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Posts posted by Wolfgang Braun

  1. But when picking a victim make damm shure they can't do anything about it,i work out on a heavy bag,work's for me!!


    Domestic violence is not the answer.

    It might be in some cases.
  2. Wolfgang,i think you need to find something to take your agression out on,it will do you good!!


    But when picking a victim make damm shure they can't do anything about it,i work out on a heavy bag,work's for me!!

    ok lol...
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ok so last nite was my friends bday and they had a small party so me and my girl go over there and do business with 'mary' to them then we left to go do more "business". well we are gone may 30-45 mins, and when we go back to the party (me and my girl were the only ones that werent drinking) and when we get to the party we hear the guy that lives there screaming and shit and my other friend comes up the stairs and is covered in blood! im HOLY SHIT someone is dead, well come to find out my best friend hit this shady kid that has ripped everyone off, except the bday girl and my girl, over the head with an accoustic/electric guitar, and then that shady kid grabs my friend and has him in a headlock punching his forehead, choking him, and hit his eye on the bed post! well it turns out that he said he didnt remember doing any of it, and my friends eye is swollen shut, 11 stitches under his eye, forehead looks like a cheetah, and the shady dude got 14 staples in his head! and the even more fucked up thing is that the shady kid might press charges even though the police even said that the shady kid did more than protect himself...what do you all think about this fucked up situation?

    Fixed it for ya.

    i can't believe this happened!


    earlier, i scrapped my spoon and made a small ball from the resin i collected. i had some laundry to do, so set the ball down on my desk.


    when i finished my laundry, i came up to smoke the ball. apparently, one of my sugar gliders (pics in my gallery) pooped on my desk. it's the evening, and i have thick blue curtains covering my windows. so it's hella dark in here. when i saw a little oval-shaped black poop pellet, i apparently mistook it for my ball of resin and threw it my bowl. when i hit it, i noticed an odd cherry and taste.


    then, i saw it. while i was still holding the poop hit in, i saw another black ball on my desk. i thought, "no... please no, please don't be my resin" i picked it up and put it to my nose. i thought, "oh god, this is my resin.... and if this is my resin, then i must be... HOLDING POOP SMOKE IN MY LUNGS!" then i exhaled the most godawful hit i've ever tasted.


    this is what i get for smoking resin


    my bowl is now soaking in alcohol to remove any residual poop... fuck me.


    linky to thread

    i swear. You post some of the most random stuff! But it is hilarious most of the time.
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