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About gabrielle

  • Birthday 04/02/1969


  • Occupation
    business therapist
  • Location
    Oregon, US

gabrielle's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Hello all. I appreciate and share your frustrations about the Beacon Rock blanket closure and lack of progress on the climbing management plan. Awhile back, we had tried to organize a "technical advisory committee" that had very active Beacon climbers (it might have been after one of our trail tending parties). Jim, Arnt, Adam, and other passionate climbers were present. Previous park ranger said we had to go through a public process. I was selected as a member of the climbing committee. Randy Kline seems to understand and appreciate our requests for improved access and a better buffer zone during closure. I will post more when I have more time - but feel free to contact me. Thanks. Karen
  2. Nice report and pics guys. A pleasure to share the route with you. The friendly princess mazama ;-).
  3. I'm returning to climbing after a broken toe...not sure what it's up for but I'm going in to explore. Leaving Portland around mid-morning Friday July 15 to grab permits at the ranger station, maybe hike into Colchuck Lake Friday, unless I opt for coming in from snow creek. Let me know if you're interested.
  4. way to go boys...nice pix. this is what life is about. climb on, and on, and on...Gabrielle.
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