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Gumby (1/14)



  1. wondering about the approach. book indicates a path going up the ski slope and approaching the climb from the south. online sources say hike up the main trail to source lake and approach from the north. which??
  2. does wet muddy trails mean that I don't need crampons this time of year? I know I might for upper terrain, but wondering about the trails. thanks all! good stuff. it's easier getting favorites from locals than flipping through a few hundred pages of books and still being wrong (like my trip to pilchuk/dickerman). this site rocks!!
  3. thanks for all the ideas. are any of these "good" peaks? I don't see them in the mountaineering books. let me know if any of them have particularly good views, exposure or whatever. rather than a trail run, I'd prefer snow/ice conditions up top if possible to keep the skills fresh. this time of year do you need snowshoes for powder conditions, or neve crampons for ice, or neither? so many pro mountaineers live around here...what do they do for a quick day trip to stay ready? just I90 trail runs? I guess I'm just still shocked in the most serious mountaineering community in the US that the county government babysits everybody for "safety". so we can do Annapurna but Pilchuk is too dangerous? I appreciate the help!
  4. New to Seattle. Was psyched to move to prime mountaineering territory. Strapped up my ax and crampons today and hoped for a killer sunny day on a summit in t-shirt and shorts. Was by myself so I just headed up to Pilchuk thinking it would be a casual hour to the top. ROAD CLOSED. Then tried to get to Dickerman or anything else on the Loop Highway. ROAD CLOSED!! The forest service ranger said the county keeps the roads closed for safety reasons...they don't want people in the mountains til summer. WHAT!? This is the best friggin winter mountaineering territory in the lower 48 and I can't even get to these simple peaks for a casual hike in May!?!? So today was wasted. Before I waste another great day, where can I go for a good solo run up a peak??? Please don't tell me Si is the only option. If there's nothing, I'll have to move back to WY/MT.
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