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Luke W

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About Luke W

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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Gumby (1/14)

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  1. Hello! I'll be based in Packwood WA for May, and I'm looking for someone to climb with at Tieton on Sun May 7. I've been climbing for 15 years, but I spent the winter in Costa Rica and Mexico not climbing, so I'm out of shape. Looking to do 5.8s, 5.9s, maybe a 5.10 or two. My style is pretty laid back and peaceful, not too ambitious, just happy to be outside. Luke ps - I have rope(s) and a full rack that we can use.
  2. A bunch of Seattle climbers (me, Adam and Amelia Greenhall, Sarah Heerhartz) are organizing this simultaneous international outdoor event. It's going to be AWESOME and you all should participate! -Luke **** GO OUTSIDE AND BE FREE DAY 2011 Flash mob the mountains and parks! August 21st, 1pm (PST) Have you ever hiked to the top of a mountain, looked out at an ocean of peaks, and wondered if there were other people, like you, feeling as good as you feel, right now, on those peaks out there? Have you been looking for an excuse to finally scramble up Mt. Pilchuck, or climb Liberty Crack, or make the long hike in to Goldmyer Hot Springs, or take your grandmother to your favorite city park, or just get some fresh air? Well, here's your excuse. You're invited to join us, outside. No agenda, no money - just an excuse to go outside into the mountains and parks, and do whatever you want, wherever you are, together. People around the world are participating in this simultaneous outdoor performance - go to the website and check out the map! Go to goabfday.wikispaces.com to get more info and sign up (even if you don't know where you're going to go just yet!). You can put a thumbtack on the map and tell us where you're going and what you'll do. (After the event, you'll be able to post stories and photos, and see everyone else's.) Then tell your friends (possibly via the Facebook event), and help make this an international phenomenon!
  3. Hi, I'm looking for a weekly Exit 32 buddy. Tuesday afternoons I can leave at 2:30pm. Wednesdays I could leave after noon. For the month of July, at least. I can lead most 10s, and some 11s. Climbing adjectives I aspire to: thoughtful, balanced, peaceful, authentic . Adjectives I don't really aspire to: powerful, ballsy, dead. -Luke
  4. Hi, I'm driving out to Tieton canyon to rock climb Saturday and Sunday (maybe Monday too). There's room for up to four in my car. I'm meeting my partner there, so ideally looking for a pair or two of self-sufficient fully-equipped climbers; I'd love to hang out and camp together, but don't like climbing threesomes. If you haven't been, Tieton is near Yakima, beautiful, has super-fun basalt columns with trad and sport of varying difficulty. The weather is going to be sunny and around 80. There's climbing in the shade, fortunately. If interested, you can also call me at 206-523-3197, since this is pretty last-minute. -Luke
  5. to needtoclimb: ouch. to everyone else: thanks.
  6. Hi, I'm looking for gay/bi climbers, for climbing inside at the UW's IMA, or outside sport or trad, or scrambling, hiking, etc. You're out there somewhere. I'm a 27 yrs old queer UW grad student - have been climbing for 3 years now without dropping anyone. I usually climb 5.10s in the IMA, with the occasional 11; outside I can lead 10c sport on a good day, but only 5.7 trad comfortably as of now. And I have a car. Luke
  7. Hi. My climbing partner and I are looking for a ride out to 38 at some point this weekend, friday, sat, and/or sunday. I could repay you with chocolate or beer or gas money. -Luke
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