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  1. Thank you much! I knew my question about the rain would produce some laughs, on day 2 I'm still laughing too... There is a bunch of stuff in my car, so I can't really bring wood or such and I was hoping to bring something to munch & share besides the water and all (I'll get some charcoal too) I'll be there tonight or tomorrow AM with all the toys and would offer to share the ride but my truck is a bit to full till I figure out where to put the stuff! I don't snowboard but I do have Cali plates, please be nice:)
  2. Those are some avys, wow. Just got to WA and was wondering what the snow would be like, pretty intimdating for someone new to the Cascades! I was hoping to meet you guys for a night or two, but should I just go climbing?? or will it rain??? Anyhow...if anyone could help me a bit, how long is the drive once on 20? Will it be hard to find in the dark? Any idea about how many people so I can bring something? Or if someone can PM me with a # I can call and ask all my newbie questions!! Thanks, looking forward to meeting you all
  3. Ha ha, Rob I was going to say about the many penises & monkeys...but figured I'd let him discover that! The climbng in PraNang is definately the other side of the Thaiwand wall. It even has a cave you can go into from PraNang and rap down out on the other side (not with the kid as the trail back to the beach is steep & slippery I think)Lots of bats. The gorge like spot I said earlier though I think was in the side of PraNang next to the cave towards the walkway. Watch the tide if you go there, but it was great. The food ROCKS!
  4. PraNang is just another walking path from Raley, and the best beach. Only one FANCY resort there and where the climbing started, but the bolts where taken out (only on the beach climbs) when the money came. There is a cave to check out and such. The diving will take all day, the boats go to other areas even if just to snorkle... Find other partners! Unless you want to traverse the cliffs if not to crowded, can't really think of much to boulder. Mozzies are new to me too, but you might have any kind of insect roommate even at the nicer place Just be normally travel safe, thais are good people. Have a great trip!
  5. Ken, someone my correct me on this, but I think the ticket for the taxi ride from BKK is to tell them to take the "express way", a few worth extra bucks. Don't know if they fly to Krabi (tiny airprot) but Asia airlines has super deals you can get online. I find that the boat ride to Tonsai/Railey is better from Ao Nang than Krabi, and it is about the same time from the airport. Taxi drive from Krabi airport might seem expensive relative to other things. You can sahre w. others and the prices are actually set, not a rip off. If you decide to take your gear, there is consigment at BKK airpot but give yourself an extra 15 or so. Spendig a liitle more for a nicer place will be well spent but the selection for that in Tonsai is a lot slimmer. I did go diving and the options are tons. Some cool spots, some murkier w. big schools of fish. Bring LOTS of sunscreen. Not the most amazing diving ever...but fun day checking out some small islands. (You might consider just climbing more, going diving in Hawai some other time...) Can't remmember the name but there is an area in Pra Nang with a small gorge like spot with some sweet moderate climbs that are longer than average and less crowded, with a good approach for kids. If any of your stuff gets wet, dry/air it right away, lots of people have mold problems (I haven't!) Also my AT&T cell worked great and its cheap if you text. Don't forget to get some cheap massage... Sawatdeetka!
  6. It's all good & fun in the snow...except for some snowshoer destroying the skin track! Thanks snoboy, I'll definately try to get there, I'm not even in Wa. yet, sounds like a great time. I'll have to get a little more info closer to the date, but it sounds like car camping to me??? I love the cozy back of my truck
  7. Hey snoboy, seems like this is your party...newbies allowed? New to the area not to bc skiing. It would be super cool to meet some people and see where the turns are at! I'm adorable till I turn to toast after 2 drinks, and I got some latin fire, but definately not HOT enough to melt any snow And hey if the snow melts, I'll be phsyched to go climbing!
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