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Posts posted by gnarlygoat

  1. Thanks for the info. You bring up a great point, weather is unpredictable in the mountains (even the Sierra's) no matter what time of year. I was in the valley early Oct. of 2004 and had two weeks of perfect 75 - 80 degree climbing weather. The day after I left a huge snow storm blew in sadly claiming the lives of two climbers on el cap. That incident taught me a huge lesson.

  2. I sent you a response yesterday, although it may not have made it to you due to my ineptness with this web page.


    Anyway, thanks for your response and tips. I realize el cap is unbearaly hot during the summer and was planning on an early June assent to take advantage of the longer days. I agree that fall is a better time and is typically when I go to the valley.


    I have found climbers at camp 4 in the past with mixed results, although your right in that given enough time, one should be able to find a good partner there and, if lucky, be successful.


    Thanks for the encouragement. Greg

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