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  1. I searched nwhikers.net as suggested but no related information came up for the notch that I could find. Have a friend who talked with someone from Port Angeles this summer.....but no contact info unfortunately who said they just recently did it. The last thought up until this lead was that the crossing at the notch was destroyed in an earthquake or slide but that doesn't appear to be true.
  2. Wondering if anyone has information about the route which Crisler used as a short cut between the Skyline and Queets Basin? I did some exploring 2 years ago but ran out of time. I initially left Lake Beauty following the Sky Line trail toward Mt Noyes eventually leaving the trail at a good point I thought to gain the ridge to find a lake located at 47 43.683 N 123 36.667 W. I ended up leaving the Skyline trail too soon at 47 43.173 N 123 36.767 W and traversed north along the ridgeline bypassing peak 5363T and eventually going over the top of peak 5428T and descending directly down to the lake. Upon reaching the lake I went north to the saddle and started to traverse along the northern side of peak 5482T dropping down following the wide contour lines. I finally stopped in the vincinity of at 47 44.088 N 123 36.519 W before having to turn back for camp. At this point there was a ravine filled with large boulders going steeply down and wooded area to my right. I returned to the lake and then followed the ridge line down eventually joining the skyline in the vicinity of 47 43.443 N and 123 36.459 W. Would appreciate if anyone has any information on this route and finding the notch then continuing on to Queets Basin. From what I remember reading....could be wrong on this but I think they could traverse using this route and make it to Queets basin in something like 5 hours. Thanks!
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