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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Want to get on the Wolf Sept 26 or 27, solid 5.10b/c trad 48 yo climber, happy to do 9s, any interest?
  2. I recently came to know Jim through some shared route development at a new crag near the Gorge where we both lived. He was soft spoken, always friendly, no ego or bull. After several times climbing together, my impression was simply "really nice guy". It wasn't until months later that I gleaned from conversations with others and spotting his name with an FA in guide books that Jim was quite an incredible guy. He'd been in the rock world for years, made his mark on it, and after all these years still had a twinkling eye, happy enthusiasm just to be out, anywhere. I feel richer for having shared some time out with him. My sadness is tempered by the memories.
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