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Posts posted by mwk

  1. The weather's suposed to be gorgeous monday and beautiful tuesday. anybody have a day off? would love to get out, but don't have a partner.... =( I do, however, have a rope and a sport rack (i'm too poor to own a trad rack).


    PM me if you're interested!

  2. Hi, I just moved to Portland and have been itching to enjoy this nice weather, but don't have a partner. =( Would love to climb just about anything/anywhere. will be working this weekend, but I am free just about any other time. like tomorrow.... or thurs....


    I have sport rack and rope. I lead 10c on sport, 5.7 on trad (but don't have a rack). Will follow on just about anything, will most likely start hanging a bit on 12s. That said, i haven't climbed much in this area, so don't know what the ratings are like.


    can't wait to hear from someone!



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