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Everything posted by Pogrom420

  1. Avatars should be allowed to out themselves thru their own stupidity
  2. Pogrom wanted to get paid, so unfortunately, Pogrom did what it took to get paid
  3. Pogrom is pissed. How the fuck do you few non-passive aggressive types handle it in that bullshit liberal bastion of passive aggressiveness, Seattle? Here's the scenario. The Pogrom420 is working in Seattle. Parks his truck, and starts working. He is beckoned of the scaffold, and asked to move his truck, because "the neighbor can't water her plants". Of coarse the Pogrom mumbles (a little passive on my part, yes?) about his truck being water proof. Then the neighbor shows up in her burned out hippy uniform of Birkenstocks, Alpaca sweater, and lavender pants, and proceeds to tell me "my home office looks right down onto where you park your truck, and I would so much enjoy seeing my plants, without that big old truck right behind them". Fuck, do I give a shit? Isn't this a public street? Move to Broadmore, you dumb hippy bitch. So, what do I do when the revolution starts. There are definitely people on the east side who need a dose of Pogroming. where do I start? Seattle, or the east side. I want to be organized for when the murder and mayhem starts
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