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tom prigg

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the info. Liberty ridge is the other route after leaving Hood. I'll look into Adams and the Reid Headwall as well. Thanks again.
  2. thank you for the beta. It doesn't look like my trip is going to match with the season of this climb. I am going the end of June. I would love to hit some of the ice on Hood. Is this possible for the end of June? Do you have any other suggestions for that time?
  3. Can anyone give me some beta to this route? I couldn't find any info on a search in the forum. Thanks.
  4. Yeah I figured. What would you consider though. Northern Cali casscades doesn't have a forum.
  5. I actually started this thread in trip reports. I don't think it would go there... Anyways, I am looking for some beta on Hotlum Glacier ice headwall route. Any of you been up there lately? Can ya tell me anything about the route? Thanks.
  6. Has anyone been on the Hotlum Glacier recently? How about the ice headwall to be a bit more specific?
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