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Posts posted by Adam13

  1. KKK- (and by the way I can't escape the irony of that being the abbreviation for your title)

    Why the hell are you complaining about being branded a specific title for opposing something, It's the #1 tactic of your prescious President and his lackies. Say the war on Iraq is going bad and you hate America, or even better oppose gitmo and you're a fucking terrorist.


  2. Now you have resorted to quoting and then changing people's posts. Do you actually work for the Bush admin or does one of them just have you on one of those S&M chains with a tennis ball stuffed in your mouth.

  3. Bittany Spears????

    I thought you were supposed to be really smart. Apparently book smarts doesn't translate into being clever.

    I don't believe in the same things as you, so you better think of a better way to demean me. How bout calling me an assclown????thats pretty original....

  4. I can't argue with climbers making it through tough spots because of gear left on the Mtn by others. Although alot of the ropes get pulled of the N Ridge every year by Resident Everest Ass Clown Russel Brice, after his expedition is done using them. But thats waaay off topic.

  5. No one cares if people leave ropes on Everest. There's a good reason for that, actually a couple. Number 1 fixed ropes being left is the least of the garbage problem on Everest, and Number 2 Why would anyone complain about ropes being left on Everest when people go up it every year, so its there anyway? You cant just leave a bunch of shit hanging on a mountain when no one is gonna use it or when its a route that no one else is gonna climb it and even if they did they dont want to be using left over gear.

  6. I dont know how to post links but I found this picture that said this:


    The next time you're having a bad day, imagine this.

    You're a Siamese Twin.

    Your brother, attached at the shoulder, is gay.

    You're not!

    He has a date coming over Tonight.

    You have only one ass.

  7. I have a friend that had one of those. He kept it for 3 months before he realized he would die on it and sold the fucker. Cost him about 5 grand though on the drop in value and the almost $2000 repair bill when he failed trying to do a stoppie, or whatever the hell you call a wheelie with the back wheel coming off the ground.

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