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  1. Looking for info on the Wallowas. I've done some research and think I have captured some of my long lost memories as a 11 year old Boy Scout (too many years ago)hiking up to Ice Lak with my Troop. I have had a fascination with mountains all my life but never became what one would call a mountaineer. I've climbed (hiked) some of the soutwest tallest, Mt. Hood, and an attempt atn Mt. Rainier this June. Got to about 13,500, weather, long story ... Back to Ice Lake. I remember seeing a mountain and having the desire to climb it. The troop master would of course have nothing to do with it. But I am trying to figure out what I was looking at. I now know one can see both the Matterhorn and Sacajawea from Ice Lake but I was wondering if what I was looking at might be Craig Peak, which seems closer to the lake and more distinctive. Does anyone have any knowledge of this peak, how high, difficutly in climbing, etc.?
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