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    South Carolina

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Have you ever done Mt. Rainier? I'm doing a road trip out West and would love to find a climbing partner for the first week of August. Rob
  2. David, When do you think you will be in the Mt. Rainier area? I should be in that area around the 8th to climb. Let me know. Rob
  3. You think you guys will be doing a trip in August, around the 8th or so? Rob
  4. Looking for someone with climbing experience and with a flexible schedule to possibly take me up to the summit. I will be on a two week road trip out West and woudl love to add this to my trip. I think I will be at Mt. Rainier around August 8th or so. Rob
  5. I'd love to join you on that trip, but my vacation doesn't begin until August 2nd. I will be driving out there and on my way I plan on stopping in Idaho and perhaps Yellowstone, so I do not know my exact date I will be out there. I was hoping someone with as flexible schedule as mine could possibly take me up it.
  6. Thank you for your reply, now for soem inquiry questions. How many times have you summited Mt. Rainier? Have you taken other people up there as well? How much experience do you have? Rob
  7. Hey, I know I will not be able to make it out there for a July trip. I will be heading out on a road trip from South Carolina beginning August 2nd. Do not let the reference of the state deter you in my mountaineering ways. I am wanting to climb Mt. Rainier when I get out there probably the first week of August and would rather not do it alone. I do not have glacier experience, but I am in terrific shape and have countless backpacking trips behind me. I am persistent and of sound mind. I was curious if I could possibly meet up with an experienced climber when I get out there and you can show me to the summit via the DC route. I will have crampons and ice picks by the time I get there. Let me know how you feel about this situation. Robert
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