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Digitalb's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. As far as Mazama Grading system works is on skills needed to successfully and safely complete a trip. Here is further explanation taken from the Mazama Web Page. "Mazama's climbs are graded to indicate approximate experience and/or ability levels required. “A” level climbs are technically the easiest, and “E” level climbs are the hardest. The grades are: A - May require off-trail hiking, ice axe and crampon use on moderately steep slopes, and self-arrest. B - May require off-trail hiking, ice axe and crampon use on moderately steep slopes, self arrest, glacier travel, and roped climbing. C - May require off-trail hiking, ice axe and crampon use on moderately steep snow slopes, self arrest, glacier travel, and crevasse rescue skills, belaying, rappelling, and low 5th class rock climbing. D - Ice ax and crampon use on steep snow slopes, glacier travel and crevasse rescue, self-arrest, belaying, rappelling and 5th class rock climbing. E - Multi-pitch technical routes same as “D”, with high degree of self-sufficiency and proficiency using technical skills under high exposure, sharing high angle leads, setting protection and anchors." I took ICS this last year 08-09. I had taken BCEP the previous year. I had very little climbing experience before BCEP. I thought ICS complemented BCEP very well. The way ICS is formatted is that you have lecture with the class together. During the Field Sessions you break up in smaller groups. You work with different instructors and Mazama leaders. Each instructor and leader teach the same general principles. Although each has their own way or style of completing any task. It was excited to work with different leaders and instructors just to see different ways to complete different tasks. As far as climbing partners I really haven't climbed with fellow students I didn't already know before. I am bit awkward and anti social so that doesn't say much. :-) It is a big commitment! Beware of that! Rock Skills - Sport Leading, Multi-Pitch, Basic Rock Rescue (Passing a knot on rappel, escaping the belay, rappelling with a injured climber) Snow Skills - Placing Snow Protection, Leading up to 55 Degree Slopes, Basic Avalanche Skills(Reading Terrain, Hasty Pits)Beacon Search Crevasse Rescue - C, Z, and all the combination of more complex systems. The last field session you perform a mock high angle rescue. That combines all of the skills you learned. I know I am leaving some stuff out but you get the idea. I think the class is what you put into it. Last year the coordinator tried to group students and leaders to their skill sets so hopefully everyone was challenged. Hope that helps!
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