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Everything posted by SnoSlogger

  1. There's a Trango 3 for sale on here, $200, can't beat that if you want a 3 person . . .
  2. Hey Pete, I'm also planning an Adams glacier climb in the next few weeks - any chance to get your friends to post a TR on here???
  3. So you're in Seattle? Check out the September gear sale at Whittaker's - get there early, and you can get pretty much all you need at decent prices. I agree with Chris' recommendations. If you've never used VBL's, your life (and feet) could suck very quickly. Some people like them, most do not. Also, if you're thinking of using rigid sled poles, load 40 lbs on a sled and lug it up to Camp Muir. Then try a soft set up on another day. I'm betting you'll enjoy the soft rig better, it'll be less tiring on the uphill, and not as bad as you'd think on the down if it's rigged right and your rope mates are paying attention. I also agree with no pertex. Sounds counter-intuitive, but leave vent openings in front and back of your tent, no matter how cold, and you won't have near the amount of rime ice inside. Don't forget to test run your pons over your overboots - every year climbers either stay at 17 or get in an accident because their straps aren't long enough. Don't cook in your tent - use your bag to get warm. If you're still cold, take your summit parka and drape the outside. Don't wear it inside the bag. Don't be bashful during storms, mor ethan one climber has shit in a CMC in the tent vestibule. It sounds like you're not going guided - do you have winter climbing/altitude experience? If not, get it now. Get an ice saw, shovel, borrow a tent and go high on Baker/Rainier. E-me if you have questions, everyone likes to share Denali experiences.
  4. I wish. Camera was in the car. I was a pile of quivering goo by the time we left the RS. I ran out of stupid questions. I hope she didn't find my drooling too disturbing.
  5. Trip: Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier 5/11 - 12 - Easton Glacier Date: 5/12/2007 Trip Report: Ski trip to summit and back, 5/11 - 5/12. We took advanatage of the break in the weather, checked in Friday morning at the FS/PS HQ in Sedro Wolley (worth dropping in, pretend to be lost, and ask directions to Canada, as there's a very cute blonde working there), and blasted up toward Schrieber's Meadow. We thought the melt out would let us get closer than the 2 1/2 mile point previously discussed here - we thought wrong. We also thought that a Friday departure would minimize sled interaction - also wrong. It looked like a freaking Artic Cat festival up there. After skinning the 2 miles over washboard (and carrying the boards for 1/2 mile out of that) we decided to take the scenic route and stay off the Railroad Grade sled highway - followed the sled tracks to the east at the "Y" at the meadow past the shitter, skinnned through the trees to 4700. No sleds, though we could hear them occasioanlly in the distance. Talked to a couple of guys who climbed up to ski for the day, otherwise, didn't see a soul. At 4700, the summer trail traverses at roughly the same altitude 1 mile west towrds the RR grade - we decided to keep climbing the ridgeline. Easy navigating, as enough sleds made the trip to leave plenty of tracks. We saw no ski or snowshoe tracks. Climbed the ridge to about 6400, where we downclimbed a short scramble to the west, dropped down a tad onto more glacier, then skiid up and made camp on the last rock outcropping at 6700. Nice flat rocks to sun on. We saw no tracks until the two guys on borad/skiis climbed past us to @7200, and skiied down - great turns! Got a leisurley 7 am start - cramponed for an hour on perfect snow - then skinned to the crater. Talked to two other groups of guys, one peeled off at 8000 to ski the chutes and couloirs above the east ridge abopve the Easton, the other group hung at the crater for a break. We were surprised at the lack of peeps as the weather was perfect. We and most of the other group cramponed up the 30 degree slope to the summit (a little icy for skins thattime of day) - no tracks, no ski or sled tracks to be seen. Most every one boarded/skiied down. The first 200 feet was a little icy - then pure Nirvana all the way to 6500. Then the payback, as it turned to absolute ankle-sucking cement muck. I think the other group skiied down the RR moraines, we went back the scenic route. SAw only two sleds on "our" side of the mountain, and no other climbers until we were 15 minutes from the car. Which, by the way, some asshole backed into in an ill fated 5 point turnaround attempt. If you're reading this, it would be nice if you'd send me your freaking insurance information. Or if anyone saw my Teal Honda CRX getting smacked, any identifying info would be great. Gear Notes: Can't imagine getting out of the car without skiis. Thinking miserable death march from hell even in snowshoes. We chose not to rope-up, but that was based on 5/13 conditions. The access road melted out an additional 1/4 mile in the short time we were gone, so take your shit. Don't be a "Hoodie." Must check in at the RS -there's a hot - umm, I guess I mentioned that already! : ) Approach Notes: Crevasse and avalanche free all the way to the summit on the Easton. Did I mention the hot blonde at the RS?
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