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Gumby (1/14)



  1. These are the Trangos...But Insulated. Great Boots ( $$$ ! ) http://www.sportiva.com/products/prod/336 Trango Extreme Evo Light GTX/Duratherm
  2. Ouch.....probably having surgery soon. (Although I've heard that some people do not opt for surgery, but there is remaining weakness and some deformity in the bicep if one does not.) Any feedback on surgery experience & recovery would be ok with me...Misery loves company... Thanks!
  3. Mtrs. ScottP: Thank you for your empathetic understanding.
  4. Climber57

    GAAAAA !!!!

    Ok, is it ' Par For The Course ' - when taking a Mountaineering/Climbing course to be going nuts? I never dreamed there would be so much technical information, having to be done in an exact way, under some time pressure..and - just when you think you may have one little itty-bitty-thing mastered - you get introduced to 8 more things which are added on top (and have to be intergrated with) of what you just learned !!! Good Gosh ! I cannot imagine having someone's life in my hands feeling like I'm feeling now.... Whew...Thanks for letting me vent... Is this normal - or am I a 'Special-Ed Climber Wanna Be' ?
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