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  1. Heaven or Hell? where ya goin? Reply
  2. Looks like this thread has unwound itself. Peace out...
  3. Since starting this thread, and reading all of the replies, I can say with joy, that there is definitely some people in this community that have true wisdom, and I appreciate it all. Tvashtarkatena, I have thoroughly enjoyed your replies, and would admonish many to read the last few. One question for Olyclimber?...what is that hopping animal on the screen?
  4. How deep does this thread run???? Wow! Spray away!
  5. George Bush Huh... Kevbone, could you do a better job. Maybe cuss out the senate or something and tell them how war is bad for us? SO is chocolate, but I have eaten my share.
  6. For clarification, I started to thread, and I am having a good time. And to help fuel any hate replies, " I personally think Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and He has done too many things in my life for me to believe otherwise...even when things don't go the way I think they should, It does not mean He is not there. Most of my crud in life is of my own making. Jesus is Lord. By the way, what are your thougths on Satan everyone???
  7. Tragedies and problems do not deminish the reality of God, but reinforce our need for Him more than ever. Now, having said that, I will probably see responses filled with anitchrist pictures and language that can only be associated with this forum. Let it spray!!!
  8. Tragedies and problems do not deminish the reality of God, but reinforce our need for Him more than ever. Now, having said that, I will probably see responses filled with anitchrist pictures and language that can only be associated with this forum. Let it spray!!!
  9. Tragedies and problems do not deminish the reality of God, but reinforce our need for Him more than ever. Now, having said that, I will probably see responses filled with anitchrist pictures and language that can only be associated with this forum. Let it spray!!!
  10. Tragedies and problems do not deminish the reality of God, but reinforce our need for Him more than ever. Now, having said that, I will probably see responses filled with anitchrist pictures and language that can only be associated with this forum. Let it spray!!!
  11. Tragedies and problems do not deminish the reality of God, but reinforce our need for Him more than ever. Now, having said that, I will probably see responses filled with anitchrist pictures and language that can only be associated with this forum. Let it spray!!!
  12. Tragedies and problems do not deminish the reality of God, but reinforce our need for Him more than ever. Now, having said that, I will probably see responses filled with anitchrist pictures and language that can only be associated with this forum. Let it spray!!!
  13. You weren't in the building Joseph. Don't even try to understand.
  14. Wow.. that was deeply theological, and the very reason why nations like Cuba are where they are. To equate Christianity with radical Islam is beyond foolish! Please expound on this topic deeper, and clarify how you can equate Christianity today with Islam Extrmeists who blow up buildings and people. I was at 9/11!!!!!!
  15. Ahhh, how the little word CHRISTIAN angers the masses. Looks like many atheists are not as comfortable and assured as they thought. ALl from one little word...
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