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Posts posted by Choice

  1. I wrote a few of you directly, but wanted to post a general follow-up as well. My name is Steve Choice, and I stupidly gave myself something akin to this problem over the weekend. I sprained my right index finger, so I dunked it in icewater for 5 minutes. It went somewhat numb and got painful. The numbness went away after one night, but the pain has remained, off and on. I was wondering if anyone has had pain that lingers after frostnip/cold exposure? If so, how long did it last? Any feedback would be very welcome. Also, you could e-mail me back if you'd like. It's sechoice@hotmail.com. Thnaks a lot.

  2. Did you guys have pain in your fingers after they thawed out some? I stupidly dunked my right forefinger in icewater for 5 minutes over the weekend because I had sprained it, and it ended up numb. The numbness went away after one night, but the pain has remained. That was 3 days ago. I was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. I understand that your frostnip/frostbite came about in different ways than mine, but any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'd be really pissed off/bummed out if this pain stuck around for good. Pissed off at myself, which is the worst kind of pissed off there is, haha. I'd also definitely appreciate any correspondence on the topic. My e-mail is sechoice@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot.

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