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Everything posted by Dillbag

  1. Sorry... Just getting into the set-up, right now the only thing I have to trade is $$$
  2. Checked. (still looking)
  3. Want to buy Silvretta 500 bindings... New or Used! (not interested in the 404's) Thanks.
  4. --Check PMs--
  5. As AlpinistAndrew pointed out it's been warm, and by warm he means friggin HOT! So even though smuggs usually has a lot of options...well...they just aren't around right now. Last weekend for me should have been some phenomenol climbing in the Daks, but as it was near 70 on saturday around the Catskills and in the mid 50's and sunny on sunday... we opted to get some climbing done at the gunks instead... Although, it still sucks to get an area taken over regardless of who it is...
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