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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Yeah, heard about these Haiku. What are they? This thread has gone cold Thought it was time for some art counting syllables eric b he' so gay with his tiny paint brush spinning his clay go to country fair open up a booth come out of the closet and reveal the truth What does Pink, Pirates, Gays have in common? They all like swabbing the poop deck.
  2. Please stop....you will never be one of us. There once was person called Kevbone All he liked was to Call his mom on the phone I swear by his replies he stoned. Nuff said. hey yo where's my snare we got seahawk here, but we don't care he's to busy with his hand behind his uderwear he's a freak a geek don't get under his skin or he'll tweak he's a fuck he's a smuck he's wants a cookie cause he learned how to suck it fuck it i gotta go i gotta call seahawks hoe Pretty good. Didn't know there was a ghetto in Portland. Another Vanilla Ice wanna be.
  3. Please stop....you will never be one of us. There once was person called Kevbone All he liked was to Call his mom on the phone I swear by his replies he's stoned.
  4. Please stop....you will never be one of us. Thank God for that.
  5. Molly, I was right about you. You are a creep. Please pray that god finds a religion board where you can post and people will not hate you for knowing more than god. Please fuck yourself Molly. Why don't you go burn some books with Hitler, idiot. Did Molly ever tell you to go Screw yourself cause your whatever you are? Last time I fucking check this was America. Kiss all our asses you dip shit. It people like you that would put people in gas chambers. idiot. or in a room with you. probably against the geneva convention. There once was someone named Pink There replies really did stink. They thought it was the missing link.
  6. Molly, I was right about you. You are a creep. Please pray that god finds a religion board where you can post and people will not hate you for knowing more than god. Please fuck yourself Molly. Why don't you go burn some books with Hitler, idiot. Did Molly ever tell you to go Screw yourself cause your whatever you are? Last time I fucking check this was America. Kiss all our asses you dip shit. It people like you that would put people in gas chambers. idiot.
  7. We are on page 37 here and your going to speak words of wisdom??? Get the hell out!!!!!!!!!! Page 37? My computer shows page 91 Must I Repeat??? Kevbone needs to go back to school becuase he's a moronic fool. stop being such a tool.
  8. We are on page 37 here and your going to speak words of wisdom??? Get the hell out!!!!!!!!!!
  9. while sleeping alone he dreamt of kevbone and now his unit's a truck yo' Yes that is funny, then off the sunny, you stupid fuckin bunny. Kevbone needs to go back to school becuase he's a moronic fool. stop being such a tool. Damn Seafawk, your not have bad cut your dreadlock you silly lad. Spelling patrol "have Bad" what hell is that?
  10. while sleeping alone he dreamt of kevbone and now his unit's a truck yo' Yes that is funny, then off the sunny, you stupid fuckin bunny. Kevbone needs to go back to school becuase he's a moronic fool. stop being such a tool.
  11. while sleeping alone he dreamt of kevbone and now his unit's a truck yo' Now that is funny!
  12. Rather been dragged in here than shit out someones ass like you.
  13. I'm interested in your understanding of the definition of sin Find a dictionary idiot.
  14. 4,813 post and just figured that out. Wow. 43 posts! You have a long way to go before you realize what and idiot you are. Don't have a long way just need to look at you
  15. 4,813 post and just figured that out. Wow.
  16. I'm sorry but I don't see the harm in discussing it. And for all you to jump down anyone throat for wanting really shows your immaturity. So please examine yourself before you try to examine me. As Oly says, arguing on the interweb is a lot like the Special Olympics. No matter who wins, when its all over,you still feel retarted. Very true, sounds like something from South Park.
  17. He is flying to get away from you becuase its the only Pussy you can get. Sorry had to.
  18. I'm sorry but I don't see the harm in discussing it. And for all you to jump down anyone throat for wanting really shows your immaturity. So please examine yourself before you try to examine me.
  19. They left Friday morning for a day climb and no call came in until Sunday afternoon. They were not prepared or expecting to spend that much time up there. So why did the call come in so late? It's a question worth asking. Why did your parents make you? Were they drunk? did dad take too long to put the rubber on? Did mom pass out before she could make dad pull out? we may never know.... BUT!....It's a question worth asking. another idiot. I quess anyone who read a paper about this is an idiot. I quess the whole world is and idiot. It is interesting and if you don't think so your in the minority. What do you bet when the report comes out the papers pick it up???? They will becuase its interesting. So go put your head back in the sand somewhere with the rest of these clueless idiots.
  20. Don't let the door hit you in the back end.
  21. Another dumb ass. Don't you think they knew they were just in a little trouble before he called??? Duh, your about as smart as Mud too. Boy bad group here.
  22. So we tell the truth so we are arogant bastards huh??? So let me get this, on Casadeclimber.com we don't learn from other mistakes. We just critize people that would want to talk about it and learn from it. Your as about as smart as Mud.
  23. no, twit is pretty accurate. just leave. i hearby request everyone ignore this guy so he will leave and be ready to go back to middle school next week with his mamma jokes. Just a clueless Newbie If your dieing for my age just ask. 37. Pretty close to those climbers that left there lifes on Hood and didn't bother to call till it was too late.
  24. A few of the cocky people in here is my guess. Maybe so; But the difference is, many of the people here will also be there to help them, while pieces of shit like you will be there to say, "told you so", and pieces of shit like Phil will be there to be "entertained". Like to know when i said anything close to "I told you so" - brainless Seagal idiot. Only thing I ever said is get your dam phone out before its too late.
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