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  1. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    So its about your Robin hood Socialist agenda to spread the wealth. Now we know what you are talking about. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/01/30/harper-kyoto.html If you enjoy getting boned up the ass with high energy prices by companies that are poisoning the air you breathe and the water you drink, and that which your kids will consume in the future, all because you see sensible regulation of polluting industries as "socialism", then so be it. Your statement above about resources for the future is as lacking in value and sincerity as your brain is lacking in synapses. Dumbass. We have the EPA to protect us. Its a real question (global warming). This Global warming stuff could be a bunch of shit. I don't know if it is or isn't but I sure aint a lemmy like you.
  2. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    So its about your Robin hood Socialist agenda to spread the wealth. Now we know what you are talking about. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/01/30/harper-kyoto.html
  3. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    Except that the same people that have you convinced that it is so preposterous that human caused pollutants could affect the climate (we've already caused proven, drastically negative effects to the quality of many air, water and ecosystems) are also fighting emissions regulations tooth and nail at every turn. They now just use global warming as an efficient stall tactic. The actions being proposed that would theoretically curb global warming are largely things that we should be doing anyway and are being stifled by energy industries concerned with maximizing profits. Lie in bed with them if you like, dumbass. Do you know what kind of profits you are talking about?? Do you know how much for something that may not even be real??? Hell Sunspots have better explanation.
  4. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    I see you're suffering from HACE as a part of your recent high-altitude expedition. I know its hard for you to digest common sense.
  5. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    Seagal you go ahead and think man is responible for gobal warming. Viking named Greenland, Greenland for a reason. Hell they even made settlements there. Hell of alot warmer that is today. Maybe they caused it too. There cows were shitting methane. They grew grapes in England, now they cant. Climate change happens by itself and since 1700 after the little Ice age had natural getting warmer. At some point it will go the other way. Now if you want to say we should take care of our resources for future generations and leave global warming out of it, I beleive that.
  6. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    Weren't you arguing sometime last summer that citing one hot summer in the data record doesn't mean anything because it has to do with long term trends? Actually no, it couldn't have been you because you don't think that far into things before opening your pie hole. apparently you didn't read that second article I posted our you wouldn't have opened your pie whole. All about long term trends.
  7. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    oh you got to love the hating liberals, even here. http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2008/20080313_coolest.html
  8. Seahawks

    'Earth Hour'

    http://green.yahoo.com/news/afp/20080328/wl_asia_afp/climatewarmingaustraliaearthhour.html http://www.junkscience.com/news/jonker.htm Is turning lights off for one hour really going to make a difference?
  9. Seahawks

    Gas prices

    http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/351903_needle20.html?source=rss If they could do this 35 years ago we can do better than 25 MPG. Oil companies and car makers are owned by the same people.
  10. He may be. Not a given. Either way has its benifits. It still will be tough. his pastors stance on hating America is not good.
  11. Who said it was 6k old? You bet your horse I'll bet mine. In the end I don't loose a thing if I'm wrong. You loose big time if your wrong. But you keep hating it will get you somewhere someday. When I read that ealier I thought is was pretty cool. A group of people migrated over to the world here. Wonder why people didn't evolve here too?? Maybe the soup wasn't right here. Since I last smacked you down, I've converted to Evangelicalism. It IS 6000 years old! And I encourage you to get on board with this fact because God loves you, and if you're wrong on this, well, actually, you will be going STRAIGHT TO HELL MOTHERFUCKER!!! I urge you to start speaking in tongues right now. I'd hate to see you drowned in a lake of fire by our loving saviour. I'm praying for you, brother. LOL Very funny
  12. Who said it was 6k old? You bet your horse I'll bet mine. In the end I don't loose a thing if I'm wrong. You loose big time if your wrong. But you keep hating it will get you somewhere someday. When I read that ealier I thought is was pretty cool. A group of people migrated over to the world here. Wonder why people didn't evolve here too?? Maybe the soup wasn't right here.
  13. Obama’s double standard? Don’t you mean Obamas church? There is a difference….oh yeah…..and McCain is a racist. Kevbone follow the news? Clintons apology for Ferraro. Seems to be a double standard. Seems the Dem's are self imploding. I do follow the news. I don’t give a shit about what some 80’s hag had to say about Obama. The fact remains that the Republicans have run the country into the ground. We are occupying a country that did not attack us and has been PROVEN not to be involved with 911, yet we stay there. …….mmmmm……why is that? Contracts and $$$$$ to be had. We disagree on that. Back to the article above. What did you think about what his pastor said?
  14. Obama’s double standard? Don’t you mean Obamas church? There is a difference….oh yeah…..and McCain is a racist. Kevbone follow the news? Clintons apology for Ferraro. Seems to be a double standard. Seems the Dem's are self imploding.
  15. Cool. But do you actually climb anything? Had to climb over your pile shit to get on this web site. In other words, "no". You and your "My dick is bigger than your dick" is funny. Grow up little boy.
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