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So Cal

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Everything posted by So Cal

  1. I've watched this board as well as many news sites and other forums over the last week and a half. I'm very appreciative of the rescuers and support crew that were up on the mountain and the people who provided credible news and links on the situation. It's a terrible loss to the friends and families of these three climbers and for that I offer my condolences. To those who feel the need to speculate on the situation, specifically those who have never, ever, remotely climbed or even walked on a trail... Fuck off. You weren't there, you're not there, you're not going to be there, and most importantly in a few weeks you won't be here, but on some other board speculating about some other tragedy in which you have no clue about the sport, activity, or occupation. To everyone bitching about the tone, attitude, caring, not caring ect of the people on this board, well they were here before you, they'll be here after us and they actually climb; thus this is a climbing board. They didn't infest this place like all of us who found it via a link. At one point in my life I worked with EMS and if you think the jokes and attitude here are repulsive, just try talking with a group of EMTs and Medics who responded to a mass trauma or major incident, you'd be repulsed there too, but guess what they put their lives on the line to save your asses each and every day. I'll step off my soap-box now. Spray on! (Hope you guys don't mind a So Cal hiker, nope not a climber, with less than 50 posts.)((Wait, I don't give 2-cents what you think.))
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