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  1. is that all the injuries he had?
  2. is that all the injuries he had?
  3. Sorry didn't mean to piss anyone off
  4. any news on anything.
  5. If the other climbers were alive and had not fallen or something happen to them don't youy think someone would have seen them coming down the mountain yesterday on a good day. not trying to be morbite just realistic and the poor families need closer and i pray they get that and don't have to what until the spring.Iam still praying.
  6. the man who pasted away may have tryed to come out of the cave then went back in.we don't know how long he pasted away
  7. the man who pasted away may have tryed to come out of the cave then went back in.we don't know how long he pasted away
  8. the man whop pasted away may have tryed to come out of the cave then went back in.we don't know how long he pasted away
  9. thank you for that address geeyore that was wonderful but sad too
  10. this consumes you totally, but there is always a reason we never know why, but we keep going on. He pasted away doing what he loved and that is a litttttle confurting (bad speller)
  11. Thank you randyfranklin for letting me know that. big hugs for our fellow climbers and bring them home safe.
  12. so you know who it was. this is a sad story on top of the kim family tragety.my heaaaart hurts.
  13. why not take him down tonight so family can identify him.That is sad knowing your loved one is up there pasted away.
  14. He was hurt is what he told his wife on the 10 of dec but didn't say how and phone went dead.
  15. I wonder what got them in trouble in the first place! was it bad weather. Does anyone know?
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