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  1. great post
  2. As many have also stated I think that "Y" is almost defintely a boulard. I can even see the slight curve with the rope. The guy being interview right now by Lary King knows his shit and is doing a great job.
  3. I only replied to whoever to post this. Not directed at you. This is for those who want to judge their prep. screw judgement on the preparation because some guys asked on a website. This is retarded. I ask many websites for first hand experience. I trust no one source especially guidebooks. Get off of them. They did a great job. The mountains are not easy. They are going to some court to play ball or some golf course. Things happen in our sport. Quit acting like you all do every possible thing perfect and get off of them. This sucks.
  4. definitely!
  5. Anything is possible with old footprints in snow. I am not trying to shoot you down. I am trying to be optimistic eventhough I am not. I agree with someone else. Some who doesn't have the presence of mind to talk coherently did not dig two snow caves and pick which gear to leave. I think the first cave with the "Y" is a rope and boulard. like most of you pointed out. They dug it the 1st cave, tried to rap out. Couldn't, came back and went to plan B. Get Kelly in the easier ground and get down. That didn't work, let's dig in here and wait. you know what happened then. Let's try to get down now, it is letting up. It picks up again.... I don't think us talking about senarios is a bad thing. I think they were studs and did it all right. But we all know there is still a gamble involved. If you all want me to quit with this I will. But it is nice to bullshit with others who know there shit. This sucks. I hate seeing other climbers die.
  6. bridger, that doesn't explain the footsteps leaving the cave.
  7. Cell phones batteries may have already been dead due to cold. Hopefully some miricle happens.
  8. He also thought his partners were on a plane and the other in town so any self medical assessment is probably out. Not being an ass here. just an observation.
  9. they just said that there are tracks leading out of that cave. That is good news!
  10. It sounds like a concussion. of course I am speculating. But combining body heat would be the thing todo for the immediate emergency so he wouldn't be making a call by himself. Bonking is possible but doesn't explain the delerium. Maybe a possibilty is that he got a concussion they tried to get help. I am writing this more for myself. It is really bad news.
  11. wow this sucks. Nothing else to say.
  12. Oh right! So this sounds like the gear left behind from a single person.
  13. The other two must have came back to the cave. When leaving Kelly the first day they would have been strong and not leave their axes. They must have came back if it was really bad. Why leave axes though? In bad snow. Doesn't make sense.
  14. no you would never leave you axe.
  15. shit that really sucks.
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