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Everything posted by no-pomomma

  1. My understanding was that Kelly called home and spoke with his wife. They were disconnected and then the son called the dad back.
  2. Thanks... I am trying to remain optomistic. I want so much for them to return to their families... safe & sound.
  3. I agree that making the comment that one of the climbers was on an airplane doesn't sound too good but the other climber was going for help and so there is still hope... there was a second snow cave.
  4. That doesn't explain the two snow caves...
  5. That was what I was fearing all along... that the other two always carry their cell phones. If so, why have they not tried to use them? If they were turned on... why has no "ping" been reported from their phones? I am soooo sorry for these families... this has been a nightmare of a week for them.
  6. Cell phones... I have not heard anything about the other two climbers carrying cell phones. Does anyone know if they were carrying phones?
  7. Fantastic news!!!
  8. I think that Fern made is quite clear that this forum is for encouragement and informative news only. Hopefully all the negative chatter is long gone and we are left with only those who are wishing the best for the climbers and their families.
  9. It has been too quiet... does anyone have any recent info? My heart goes out to these guys and their families.
  10. Thanks for keeping the information positive and informative.... would much rather get the straight scoop from climbers than from the t.v.
  11. Thanks for keeping the information positive and informative.... would much rather get the straight scoop from climbers than from the t.v.
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