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Everything posted by climberwanttobe

  1. The person updating on the other site is Carolyn James. She is the wife of Frank James, Kelly's older brother who has been the main media contact. She posted here last week thanking everyone for their updates and information. Thus, there is a link to both of these threads on the righthand side of the blog. The earlier link did not go to the entire site, only one post. I will re-post the general link for those who would like to see the family's accounting of the search. Keep in mind, the main focus is on prayer and emphasizes the men's faith. http://mthoodclimbers.blogspot.com I did want to post one of the recent entries for all to see: 4:00 p.m. EST: SPECIAL NOTICE During one of the news conferences, the sheriff said that the rescue teams had failed the families by not reaching Kelly in time, but that he knew they had done their best. The family wants everyone to know—and Frank is communicating this to Sheriff Wampler—that they have not failed anyone in any sense of the word. We can hardly express the gratitude we have for the extraordiary efforts of all of these dedicated people, from the leaders in the command center, to the climbers on the mountain, to those flying above Mt. Hood, and other who are operating behind the scenes. They have risked their lives. They have reached out to the grieving, agonizing family members. They have worked to the point of exhaustion. They have been gracious to the media and open with information. They and many, many others have volunteered and poured themselves into this rescue effort. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty, and we thank God for everyone of them. For the family, Carolyn James
  2. I suppose there are worst things than being a source of amusement. I'm glad some of us "newbies" were able to provide you all with some good material. Signing off...with prayers for the families. Special prayers of comfort to a family I respect so much - God's peace to them.
  3. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all taking me (and many others) into your "family" during this past week. I did climb at one point and while I loved many aspects of it, one of the best was the climbing community I met. You all have only reinforced that. I feel like you have coached, encouraged..."belayed" me well through this. I continue to pray for the other 2 to be able to hang on... Thanks again. Carol
  4. Descriptor on picture: "Rescuers found this self-equalizing anchor on the side of Mt. Hood".
  5. Thanks for your explanation. It makes a heck of a lot of sense based on all the known information.
  6. Well said
  7. They did so much right. Amazing the V/Y they made to ID the cave, etc. Everything conspired against them: weather, obvious injury, etc. To think he got through on a cell phone a week ago but no one could get up there to him...it's heartbreaking.
  8. I have a deep sadness. I know the James family and have been praying and hoping. Live coverage at 5:00 PT. http://www.kgw.com/sharedcontent/VideoPlayer/videoPlayer.php?vidId=57406&live=yes
  9. C-130 Will Fly 24 Hours MOUNT HOOD, Ore. - A hopeful day ended in disappointment when ground crews were forced to descend the mountain once again Saturday. The six climbing crews could not move as quickly as they would have liked due to reduced visibility on the mountain. High winds picked up the soft snow on the ground, making it difficult for rescuers to cover much ground. Gusts were reported at speeds higher 40 mph. Climbers were hoping to summit the mountain and descend the north side of the mountain where they believe Kelly James is holed up in a snow cave. Most crews were able to reach the 10,600-foot level before time constraints forced them back down. The aerial search will continue through the night. The C-130 military plane brought in from Reno, Nev., to help with the search will by flying 24 hours a day. Two crews will work back-to-back 12-hour shifts, only landing briefly to refuel. The C-130 is equipped with heat-sensing technology and can fly in more extreme weather conditions. The two Blackhawks have been operating between the 9,000-foot and 11,500-foot level and will continue to scan the mountain until it is too dark to safely fly. Authorities insisted they have no plans to call off the search and remain optimistic that they will find Kelly James, Brian Hall and Jerry "Nikko" Cooke. Capt. Michael Braibish says, "We will take every opportunity, every chance, whether it's ground or air to get our crews up there." The ground search will resume 9 a.m. Sunday. Authorities say weather is expected to be as good as or better than it was Saturday.
  10. Lou Ann Cameron, Kelly James’ mother, also thanked searchers for their efforts and said she felt confident her son would return home safely. “It’s my birthday and he wouldn’t miss my birthday,” she said.
  11. FYI Search team reaches 9,600 elevation this morning Six searchers have reached the 9,600 feet level on Mount Hood this morning, the highest searchers have climbed in days. The team just arrived at that elevation and will continue toward the summit, said Sgt. Gerry Tiffany, of the Hood River County sheriff's office. He said they will attempt the summit from the south side of the mountain, where compared with the north face the peak is easier to access. One of the first teams to head out about 4 a.m. is now scaling Eliot Glacier. Another team that started about 5:30 a.m. is headed to Snow Dome. Other teams will trek toward Elk Cove and Gnarl Ridge. -Noelle Crombie noellecrombie@news.oregonian.com
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