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Gumby (1/14)



  1. little cottonwood & joe’s valley will both be frigid in late Feb, little cottonwood could have as much as 50” of snow near the prime bouldering area. both have great ice if you’re into that. only bouldering/rock to be found that time of the year would be in the far southwest corner of the state in st george or in the virgin river gorge (technically AZ) and if your going that far south you might as well head to red rocks for more options.
  2. CNN showing lot's of footage right now
  3. BREAKING NEWS: Searchers find signs of one of the climbers A helicopter surveying the Mount Hood summit this morning has captured images of what appears to be a snow cave, scattered equipment and what looks like frozen tracks in the snow. Search organizers plan to airlift pararescuers to the summit by helicopter so they can make their way to the area by foot. oregonlive.com
  4. i'll ask again since no one can chime in... watching the news conference? just wondering why SAR would not dig in/camp/bivy where they are on the south side. weather report looks good for tomorrow - nice warm night in a well constructed tent site/snow cave would save a bunch of redux tomorrow... thoughts?
  5. i'm sorry i started this thread. it was meant to be about climbing but has turned to aquatics.
  6. watching the news conference? just wondering why SAR would not dig in/camp/bivy where they are on the south side. weather report looks good for tomorrow - nice warm night in a well constructed tent site/snow cave would save a bunch of redux tomorrow... thoughts?
  7. http://www.jeffwhuber.com/photos/skiing/hoodCooperSpur_20051211/tieInRock.jpg At the top of lower Cooper Spur, near Tie In Rock
  8. ok. question answered. i'm not here to blog. good climbing to you all! let's hope for the best for the guys on the mount.
  9. i have a friend named eric & doug...
  10. edward always said. "empty beer cans only make this highway look better"
  11. thanks. like i said it was just a question. in utah - the SAR consisted of sheriffs and off duty highway patrolmen with a backpack. seems to be more sophisticated up here. good to know. blue skies just south of Portland – my best to the SAR going up tomorrow.
  12. i'm curious. I’ve been a climber - not "hiker" since 1985. just relocated to the NW and found this site because of the "news". back in the day - a good friend and climbing partner (everest) once told me. "if i'm ever lost get the guys together and come get me" the last person in the world i want looking for me is SAR. look's like that is not the sentiment here in the NW. care to comment?
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