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Posts posted by oldfartclimberdad

  1. Trip: Ingalls North Peak - Std Ridge Route


    Date: 7/12/2009


    Trip Report:

    Virgin Poster here - we interupt your short attention spans for some cherry popping drivel....


    So my daughter comes home for the weekend to rest up after several nights of co-ed debauchery and studying hard at the U - we are sitting around the Sunday morning funnies and someone gets the bright idea to go climb something. A nasty-fast bike race the previous day had my legs screaming for mercy and I try to deflect things to perhaps a nice kayak float or maybe even washing the dog - no luck and by 9am we are in the car pointed up over the pass. Nothing like an early apline start! Clouds soon give way to more clouds as we make our way up the dusty, pot-holed Teanaway approach road.


    With semi-clearing skies, we gear up at the Ingalls Way trailhead and hit it as only a 21 year old fit girly-girl can. My adventerous daughter, just back from 9 weeks in S. America and with a 6000m peak under her belt is in no mood for old-fart pacing and whining. I bite my tongue and fall in behind and two and a half hours later we are up in the snow slopes well above the lake, nearing the dog's teeth or cat's ears or whatever. Ha! Tables turned as I'm in my light hikers, kicking steps like a mad man - she's in her pink tennies......oooo, are we slipping a little? Are your footsies getting cold? Grab yourself a nice pointy rock for an axe and get yourself up here.


    Still holding to more sun than cloud, we rope it up and continue on with this fine specimen of a Cascade climb. I'm always amazed at the quality of rock here - avoiding the slippery-sharp green stuff of course. Soon on the Summit, snazzing about and prancing for pics, we notice a rapidly building cu-nim over Stuart that makes the mountain look like a pimple on a hogs snout - that is one big cloud! A crack of thunder ensues and soon we are doing speed rappels down the ridge. Nothing comes of it and we (well I anyway) enjoy a nice slide back to the lake and over to the pass.


    Payback time as my lovely daughter starts running down the trail - just for fun - it's late afternoon and plenty of daylight left. I find her at the car, changed and ready to go grab some food - a cold beverage waiting for me on roof - well trained she is!


    "Mamas' don't let your daughters grow up to be climbers...don't let them use pitons or biners and chalk, make em get married to uber-rich docs......" and so it goes, life is good.


    ingalls lake - burrrr


    neener neener - should have brought your boots




    happy climber


    yikes - storm clouds a-comin



    Gear Notes:

    some ratty old slings and a few antique friends and nuts. Helmet for daughter!


    Approach Notes:

    Run up trail, hike up lower slopes - still some snow - good shoes help! Climb rock, descend route, slide to lake, run to car, drink, drive, eat, drive.

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