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    Portland, OR

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  1. Kevbone (aka Freeforsum) I must be getting that confused with another bolt / route. I remember BenP talking about a new bolt or something that Markd installed within the last couple years...? maybe it was a route... cant remember, but Im pretty sure it was same general area. dunno. Must be the meds talking I'm doing fine. Very sore, but moving around seems to be improving. Just certain positions or movements cause it to flare. Tell Mags I will call her tonight... I asked in a previous post about that area being prone to loose rock? Another group on rapel had a ton of rock fall. Like I mentioend on the phone, it was a war zone. Bucket is a must! Jennifer aka pink chalk
  2. Yes. MCash is correct. The first bolt (which I think was installed within the last 1-2 yrs) sets high off the ground and you move thru a funky alcove section. Loose rock seems to be the norm in that area?? Jennifer
  3. Offers? There was a mass line of dirt bag climbers looking to offer assistance My B/F was the lucky one! Although my toosh was sorely bruised. It was such a painful fall, doc says could be a month. Jennifer K. Catbirdseat: hope we didnt freak you guys out... falling rock, falling biners....... oh yeah, and falling girls. Hope you and your partner had a better weekend! Sounds like the park is becoming the glorified portland rock gym.
  4. Hey... I'm the gal who fell on her ass at Smith over the weekend. Just to clarify, I think the fall was closer to 5 feet. Luckily, I am doing well thanks to the help of my climbing partners. I was able to hike out with some assistance and we headed back to P-town for treatment. The Doctor says I will live! ) Peace, Jennifer K. PS- Markd, sweet pics!
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