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About Lawshe

  • Birthday 09/23/1975


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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I see you're from the Bay Area, so I'm guessing your timing isn't very flexible. Would you be interesed in climbing Adams the weekend of July 10-11? It's on my list too. I'm a basic student this year with the Mountaineers. I'd be happy to get together to practice alpine skills before the climb too. I'm climbing Mt. Baker with my mentoring group this weekend, so I'll be able to tell you more about how I handle the altitude after that.
  2. ...bonus if you live in Rainier Valley (Seattle) and want to carpool. Not looking for long term scheduling or commitment--just trying to build a list of folks who might be up for spontaneous weekend climbs at exit 38 or 32. ABOUT ME I'm a great belayer. I'll let you figure things out for yourself unless you ask for help spotting. I belay right or left with munter or device, and I belay leaders. I'm climbing mostly at Far Side these days, top-roping or following up to about 5.10a, and leading sport up to 5.8. I need practice climbing in glacier boots, so I'm not really pushing my numbers too much right now. I'd be very happy going sub 5.8, so if you're an expert belayer and a lower level climber, we'd be a good match.
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