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Posts posted by seanglacier

  1. I've skied St H a few times from the marble mtn approach... but have never heard of anyone doing it from the Sprit Lake Basin...

    I have a friend that want to do it via Spirit Lake this weekend but could not find in info on the web re specs. Any ideas? We would all be skiing.


  2. I would like to climb/ski Jefferson in the coming weeks... have approached Jefferson from Pamela Lake in the past... it sucked. Would like to try it via Jefferson Park ( I climbed up from Jefferson Park last summer to do a little reckon...was a very cool route).


    Attempted to climb/skit the Middle and South Sister two weeks ago... weather sucked… ended up climbing part of North instead.Would be up for it again... maybe a stab at all three too.


    Do the rest of you ski/climb? I've always wanted to do Glacier Peak as well.


  3. Anyone have any info re ski mountaineering Mt Jefferson via Jefferson Park Glacier? Haven't found any good TRs for Mt Jefferson.


    On another note, what's your favorite early spring ski/mountaineering trip?


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