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    Anacortes, WA

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  1. I have several good friends that are serious climbers to draw from as well including my next door neighbor and good friend who's from S. Africa who was a professional mountaineer guide and rock climbing instructor for years. I came to this forum to get a broader opinion from other climbers. I live near the bottom of Mount Erie in Anacortes. This whole idea started when I was taking my teenage kids climbing on Erie (we go quite often) and I just wanted another locking biner. I was new to the island. I was surprised that you could not find one biner on the whole island. You would probably have to drive to Bellingham to buy one, let alone quick draws, caulk, webbing or other supplies. I didn't mean to sound like I've never climbed before. I started 25 years ago, but I am nowhere as experienced as many on this forum. Certainly there is not the need here that would support a climbing only store. My speciality is more light weight backpacking (I spent three weeks in NW Frontier of Pakistan in March backpacking and working in earthquake relief). I do a lot of sea kayaking as well, but we have a decent sea kayaking outfitters on the island.
  2. I am deeply grateful for the few that took me seriously enough to give me some helpful answers. I am the owner of the store with my own day job. Of curse I will hire experienced people. I have personal experience in many outdoor sport areas but limited in rock climbing so I hope to hire a manger who is strong in that area. But, step by step, I can't hire staff until I have a store. I can't have a store until I develope a business plan. I can't develop a busines plan until I have a relationship with manufacturers so that is the stage I'm not now . . . developing a business plan and establishing which products that I want to carry. Thanks again.
  3. I'm wanting to open an "Adventure sports gear" type shop including a good rock climbing/mountianeering department. Who's the best equipment makers? What would climbers want as far as products? Besides back diamond (my personal equipment-and I'm a novice when it comes to climbing) CAMP-USA sounds like a good line. Any reccomendations? Mike, Anacortes
  4. Thanks. I'll have to go over and visit them. Is it right downtown? I missed it he last time I was there. JMJ11
  5. Water sports would be out as Island Outfitters already has that market. I'm thinking about combining climbing etc. with something that appeals to the growing popluation of wealthy retired or semi-retired. That is why I was thinking about brining them back to backpacking with the extreme light weight equipment. As far as water sports, kite boarding is not covered locally (maybe Bellingham)so that would be an option. I don't see much kite boarding around here (Bellingham) and I don't know if it catching on in Seattle or not. As far as ropes, I personally perfer "custom" rolls of the major types so the climber can determine the exact lenght he/she wants. Then cut and seal it there. Again, my rock climbing experience is very limited If it was 1/3 climbing shop, what would a serious rock climber like to see? Speaking of Second Ascent, should it have an area for second hand (not ropes) equipment? Of course, the hard thing is having good equipment and being able to sell it near the discount price of the huge REI types. Any other suggestions?
  6. I'm in the early stages of looking into opening an outdoor outfitting store in Anacortes (I live next to Mount Erie)I came up with the idea when I could NOT find a biner anywhere on the island. My thoughts would be small store that specialized in rock/ice climbing, mountaineering, light weight backpacking (for the older . . . weight aware backpacker) and some adventure sports like kiteboarding, long boards possible paragliding. I only do a little climbing so I would hire someone (keeping my day job) to run the store--who knows more. So, my question is where do most climbers buy their equipment? Online? REI? Is there a need for such a store or is the market saturated? Thanks, any advice would be great. JMJ11
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