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Posts posted by wanabe

  1. thank you everyone for all of this support! several of us have spent years worth of energy making the zone what it is today and now with this new guide book everyone can enjoy climbing in the columbia river gorge (albeit not as much as beacon but beacon does close). :) you all are wonderful people for helping my family through this very difficult time. i hope to see you all at the release party; however, don't expect much conversation or a handshake from me since my voice and hands don't work so well anymore.

  2. Check out local lyme support groups for the real scoop on info regarding lyme disease. Most MD's tell the same stuff as drjay4X4 did in an earlier post. I don't have the time to get into the inaccuracies of his post right now; however, I do want people to take this disease seriously.


    Bottom line is that tests are not reliable and short course antibiotic treatment does not cure this disease very often. As for the Bulls-Eye rash, recent studies show that less than 30% of lyme patients remember having this rash.


    If I have more time later I will share more from the front lines.

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