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Everything posted by Cooter

  1. Found a kids full body harness at the 8 Mile Rock in Leavenworth. Harness was near the base of Classic Crack.
  2. Left a pair of Boreal Stigma climbing shoes at World Wall I on Thursday June 20th. They are red and black. They may be somewhere near the bottom of Aborigne. Also, my friend lost his wallet the same night. Maybe at the cliff, or on the hike or possibly elsewhere. His name is Richard B. If you find either, please contact me. Much appreciation and beers. Thanks. jamesterz(at)excite.com.
  3. Cooter

    Rebel Yell

    Thanks for the pictures, I was the one belaying around the corner in the pictures. Great route. You guys didn't find a lone Boreal Stigma shoe on your way down? I lost one shoe somewhere on the descent.
  4. Has anyone been up to Cathedral Peak yet this year and have some info. on conditions? We are planning on heading up by the Chewuch River Trail next weekend and would appreciate any beta. We are planning to do the main route up Cathedral and some of the routes on the Monk. Can you hike in with approach shoes or do you need boots for crossing snow? How are the descents? Thanks.
  5. Has anyone been into the Pickets yet this year and have any info. on the conditions of the trail in or routes? I was planning on going to the south Pickets on the 4th of July weekend by way of Goodell Creek, but am worried that there may be too much snow. Thanks.
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