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Posts posted by KAB

  1. Climbed the NEB yesterday. The Bypass Glacier is mostly gone at this point, though still actively calving. We probably saw it release 4 or 5 times over the course of the day--small stuff, but nothing you want to be caught under. Move fast on those slabs! The N Slesse glacier is calving quite a bit of small stuff too, though unless you take a route to the buttress base underneath this glacier it shouldn't be of any concern.


    Concerning pro for the direct bit. There are three points on the NEB where you can take the "direct" option. I assume you are talking about the headwall variation. The direct headwall variation had a pitch with some splitter 5.7 hand cracks, followed by some funkiness to a slung horn belay. The next pitch, which Beckey gives 10a, was intimidating looking but never that hard and surprisingly solid. We never found the thin crack crux in Beckey's description. The third pitch was mostly easy with a tricky move off the ledge midway up the pitch (5.9 maybe?). Overall the rock is solid, moves are generally protected, and I highly recommend the Headwall variation over what looked like 4 dirty pitches out on the face. We brought a rack consisting of a set of nuts, cams from blue mastercam to #3 C4 (doubles from .4-1), and ~12 slings. This rack was sufficient to protect everything we felt was hard and run out the easy stuff. Again, we never found a thin 5.10 crack on the headwall, so I can't comment on pro for that. I think we protected the funky move on the 3rd pitch of the headwall variation with the blue mastercam.


    Hope this helps,



  2. Looks like good weather for cragging out east tomorrow (Vantage, Tieton, or Leavenworth). Is anyone interested in joining me for a day trip?


    I climb 5.11 sport, 5.10 trad, follow whatever you're putting up that's harder than that, and none of this matters too much anyway if we're just cragging... Aside from that I've been climbing a long time, and am very safety conscious (and appreciate partners who are the same!).


    Drop me a PM if you're interested,


    KAB, in Seattle

  3. I believe so. But It may have been even more rock than the obvious crack in your photo suggests. The belay ledge below the chains of City Park in your photo is now level with the "new" belay ledge that remains after the rockfall.


    It turns out that my phone is a crappy excuse for a camera, and this is the only decent photo I got today. It is of the new belay ledge....



  4. Was climbing at the LTW today and noticed large, fresh rock fall at the base of City Park & Godzilla. We spent some time wondering where it could have come from, since it is right at the base of the wall. Then we climbed Godzilla and it was pretty obvious where it came from... at least I think I remember there being a ledge above and left of the belay ledge for Godzilla, that you climbed up on to to start P2 of City Park. . . Well if I remember correctly then that higher ledge isn't there anymore... The start of P2 CP looks spicier now but I suspect it is still 10ish.. I took some pictures with my phone, and if I can figure out how to DL them I'll post.... I didn't see any other damage to routes on the LTW other than debris at the bottom.


    It's hard to imagine what knocked it off, because the ledge that now remains (level with the Godzilla belay ledge) is quite positive and large.



    Just an FYI. Happy climbing, go enjoy the nice weather,




  5. Hey all, I have this Friday off and my typical partners don’t. I am looking to do something and open to ideas. I ski AT, climb trad (5.10), sport (5.11), alpine, ice (WI3), hike, etc. etc. etc. Unfortunately, right now it looks like the weather and avalanche hazard may conspire to make most of these things bad ideas, but I’d still like to do something besides stay in town. So is anyone up for a cold cloudy day at Vantage, or skiing some trees at Yodelin, or…? I'm open to suggestions, though this weather is certainly tipping the balance towards skiing trees.


    Drop me a PM if you’re interested or have an idea.


    Kevin, in Seattle


  6. Climbed Paisano on Saturday, saw your gear from half a pitch away and got so excited I basically ran to it. Knew it was too good to be true when it cleaned with no effort at all... sigh...


    I have the gear in Seattle, check your PMs for my contact info and we'll figure out how to get it back to you.



  7. 'twas I who was off to the right.


    We spent most of the day thrashing around in the brush, trying to find Romantica, only to realize our folly (twice) was that the right fork in the trail that leads to the Romantica area was not the right fork we thought it was... I *think* the correct fork is the one a few feet before the double cairns that you walk between on the approach trail (this rightward fork is also marked with orange ribbon at the junction, we simply didn't notice it until completely exhausting the "run off madly into the brush" alternative). It is definitely not the one a few feet after the double set of carins that heads steeply uphill--though this trail does seem to lead to a solitary climb on an arete underneath the right end of the cloven roof. nor is it found by heading right once you hit the wall at the back of Erocktica (this trail simply ends under the left side of the cloven roof at some very steep brush).


    So, after getting the full Darrington experience in the brush, we returned to climb Erocktica, due to the then short amount of time we had to climb. Erocktica was a fun climb, worth heading out there for. I definitely recommend linking the 1st and second pitches, being wary of rope drag. It could use another chain on the 3rd pitch anchors for rappelling (the anchor is a two-bolt anchor, though only one bolt has a welded-rap ring). The 4th pitch is the money pitch (or maybe p2...) and stays interesting for a while. I'd recommend plugging some gear in the undercling after the 3rd bolt off the belay to protect an awkwardish move that is high off the bolt (maybe C4 #.4 or .5--I didn't lead it, so I can't say for sure). The last pitch protects well in random cracks and solution pockets. We also found that neither of the last two pitches were as long as the guide suggests (50 and 45 m respectively) they were probably closer to 40m each. Also, I'd be interested to know if anyone has tried to rap the top two pitches with a single 70m rope? It looks like it'd be a real rope stretcher, but maybe possible. Lastly, the final rap from the top of p3 is free-hanging for a bit, so rapping it on a munter, because you're a dumbass and left your ATC in the car, sucks.


    Great climb, I'll be heading back to for Other Side of the Tracks and Romantica at some point. Thanks to the crew that invested the time to put up these quality routes! The rest of us can do a hand by climbing them to keep em' clean!




  8. I've got Friday off and was wondering if anyone else wanted to run over there for a day of climbing. I lead 5.10trad and 5.11 sport.


    It'll be damn near 60°... that's about as good as Vantage gets. Anyone? 217.377.3242


    --Kevin, in Seattle

  9. Hey all,


    Was planning on heading over to Vantage tomorrow to measure my tolerance for the cold and shitty rock, but my partner has had to bail, anyone else out there with similar aspirations?


    Depending on how inspired I'm feeling, I lead 5.10 trad and 5.11 sport and will certainly follow harder.


    Call me as late as 10 tonight if you're interested: 217.377.3242



    --Kevin, in Seattle

  10. looks like today might be one of the few good days this week. Anyone interested in heading to Index or Exit 38? I lead 10 trad and easy 11 sport. I am free for most of the day, so just call me if you're interested: 217.377.3242


    Kevin, in Seattle

  11. Hey all,


    I've got a bunch of time coming up without a climbing partner and am looking to get some stuff done. I prefer to climb alpine and multi-pitch trad, but am generally open to all things climbing. I'm available for the remainder of this weekend, July 11-13, July 25-27, and for the entire second half of August. As is typical, these climbing romances usually start with feeling each other out at a local crag, gym, or bar setting :brew:--I'm unlikely to dive into the alpine with someone I haven't climbed with at all yet. That said, I'm eager to develop some new reliable climbing partnerships.


    A climbing resume for you:


    I lead 5.10 trad, 5.11- sport, WI3, and am willing to climb easier or follow harder than what's listed here. I'm a decent skier, though I generally stay away from ski-or-die terrain. (I ski plenty of ski or "ouch, that really, really hurt" terrain though).


    Some recent experience from the last few weeks: Snowfield Peak (W Ridge), The Horseman (E Face), Colonial Peak (W Ridge), The Tooth (S Face), Liberty Bell (NW Face), NEWS (W Face), Concord Tower (N Face), Mt Pilchuck (ski descent), Squamish (Angels Crest, Peasants Route, Exasperator), Outer Space, and oodles of cragging.


    Other experience: Bugaboo Spire (Kain Rte), Grand Teton (Exum), NW Corner NEWS, Mt Baker (N Ridge, Easton-Deming, Coleman-Deming(ski-descent)), Squamish Grand Wall, yadda yadda yadda...


    Potential goals:

    W Ridge Forbidden, E Ridge Eldorado, Kautz Rte on Rainier, NE Ridge Triumph, Serpentine Arete Dragontail, Coleman Headwall on Baker, South Spur Adams (ski), Mt Ruth (Ski), Shuksan Fisher Chimneys, Index/Exits on weekdays, etc.


    I like to climb, drop me a PM if you like to climb too,




    PS If it matters, I'm 27, not a jackass, and in Seattle.

  12. Looking for a partner for some easier ice this friday or sunday. I'm still nursing a shoulder injury, so I'm hesitant to try leading harder than WI3 or following WI4. Another thing to throw in the mix is that I haven't climbed ice in about 2 years, though I've been a very active rock/alpine climber. I have the requisite gear, just need a partner.


    Lastly, I'd need to be back in Seattle by 6ish Friday night, can be out all day Sunday tho.


    Weather looks good for Friday, iffier for Sunday, drop me a PM if interested



  13. Weather isn't exactly promising for the weekend right now, but I'm looking to do some kind of 3rd or 4th class alpine route Saturday or Sunday. Unfortunately I can't climb much 5th or tech ice currently due to some shoulder problems; but I'm antsy to do something in spite of that this weekend.


    Its always more fun to scramble with friends, drop me a PM if interested.




    PS If the weather goes much further south, I'll be drinking beers somewhere instead. That's always more fun to do with climbers too, drop me a PM if interested...

  14. Hey all, I've got a late request for a partner this weekend. I'm up for almost anything, sport(5.11), trad(5.10), alpine, ice cragging (yeah... who wants to go drop in some crevasses and swing some tools? anyone? anyone?). I'd even go up to Muir to ski.


    Anywho, I'm based out of Seattle and probably won't be able to escape until tomorrow morning.


    PM if you've got similar aspirations for the weekend,



  15. Hey all,


    Seems like I'm not the only one who had their weekend climbing plans fall apart...


    My thought right now is to convince one of you wonderful people to climb with me, then hit Leavenworth tomorrow since it'll be a late start, and then do Dragontail and/or Colchuck Monday or Tuesday. Just an idea though, and I'm very open to others. Though hitting Leavenworth before alpine gives us climbers a chance to see if we like the way each other smell before we do something more committing. Always a good thing to do first, once had a guy spend 1.5 hours climbing half of the first pitch of Johnny Vegas (5.7, Red Rocks)...


    Anyway, these things said I'm very open to suggestions, sport, trad, alpine, boulders...




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