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About djohnson

  • Birthday 03/20/1964


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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I agree that it was wrong to put a bolt ladder here. I'll add a couple completely conflicting thoughts for your consideration: 1. The damage is done, so why not let it be. I've heard people get extremely bent out of shape about a bolted crack at a Sport crag. Removing the bolts on the crack are not going to return a sport wall to the point where bolts are unnoticable. If someone feels that it is wrong to use bolts for a crack climb, then don't clip them. I agree that climbs that don't require bolts to climb should not be bolted, but once the damage is done, what's the point in chopping them. Perhaps the same goes here. I understand that not many will want to use these bolts, as it looks like aiding is the only use of them, but some may want to aid here? This is a horrible place for them, but again, the damage is done. 2. On the other hand, too many bolts on a wall can make the bolting more obvious and offend some folks. I can see where that could be the case with these bolts. Access to an area can be put at risk if unethical events occur, like too many bolts on a wall degrading the view for non-climbers who use the area. So, one might say it is the ethical duty of the climbing community to protect the crag by removing unnecesarry hardware.
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