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Everything posted by RentonDad

  1. Very good. Thank you. I've got a couple of NPS produced park maps and had been all over the nps.gov/mora web site but must have passed completely over this. I love this website. You folks have been a great help. I hope to be able to return the favor. -RentonDad
  2. Will be camping here soon with kids. I would like to know if anyone can tell me the distance (one way) to the suspension bridge and the relative elevation gain? I can't find this information on any of the NPS.GOV based .PDF documents or web pages. I have read information that this is a hike easily doable by young kids but we will have our two year old with us and will bring our baby backpack if necessary. -RentonDad
  3. Bummer, I'm going to have to really petition the party leader (my wife) for at least one trip to Ohannapecosh this summer. Sounds like this could be a long term thing. Also funny, since just south of the tunnel (I believe) was under major construction all last summer in what looked like a major washout due to the previous winter snow. -RentonDad
  4. Does anyone know if the DOT has given any estimate of the time needed to repair the road (washout) damage? We frequently access the park from the Enumclaw/Hwy 410 route. Going around the SW side of the mountain is time prohibitive for us at this point with two small children in tow. Thanks in advance for any assistance or otherwise useful information. -RentonDad
  5. Well, I'll answered my own question with a quick call to the Carbon River Ranger Station. They said that the road is in good condition, no recent flooding, and that cars are not discouraged from making the trip, just drive slow (LOTS OF POTHOLES). -RentonDad
  6. Is the Carbon River Road open and accessible to car campers? I am planning a trip this weekend to the public campground inside the park boundary. I have a 97 VW Jetta. Is this going to get me inside the park to the campground? I keep hearing about how the road is often closed due to flooding. -RentonDad
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