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Posts posted by maxhasson

  1. Great stuff everybody! Photo threads are the best, and this one has prizes, yeah!


    Alpine - Jens Holsten on Let it Burn, CBR



    Cragging - Jessica Campbell on Liquid Nitrogen, Leavenworth



    Scenic - Dragontail Peak



    Bouldering - Geoff Cecil in the Swiftwater Cave, Leavenworth



    Humor - Ginnie Jo Blue gets goofy high on the Upper Wall, Index


  2. king-cobra-coloring-page.jpg


    One pair of well used old style Black Diamond Cobras. Picks are sharp if a little short. They'll get you up some ice for sure. Might as well get some bad ass crampons too. These M10s have seen some action but have many seasons left in their savagely sharp little teeth.






    Tools come complete with Android leashes, firmly attached with hose clamps. Yeah they're scratched up, who cares, function is not affected in the least.





    M10s come with tool kit which includes appropriate wrenches and spacers to accommodate mono or dual point radness.




    Hopefully you're now wondering, "How much does this dude want for these rad tools and bitchin' crampons?" Well, prices are negotiable, aka OBO, but I'm thinking $250 for the Cobras and $100 for the M10s.


    I'm currently in beautiful Bishop, CA but will probably be headed north to the Leavenworth area in the near future (within weeks maybe). I'll ship or we can meet up if you're willing to wait.



  3. Ivan, nice work finding a way to make me look stupid. Just can't win on this forum. Of course I meant that making a belay safe (from reading the above posts it looks like just one or two out of five) was more acceptable than a rappel station every 50-60 meters. Not sure why I'm bothering to explain myself, just wanted to let you know that you were being a dick.

  4. As everyone has said, great thread. Haven't heard much about this route on the interweb, it's rad to hear about it direct from one half of the first ascent team. It is of course a shame that we can't get the input of Boving himself.


    While I suppose if anyone has the "right" (according to our not very official set of rules, I'd like them to stay unofficial myself) to add bolts to the route Matt does, I definitely don't feel totally comfortable with the idea. If the choice was mine I'd rather see them only at belays and not on lead.


    As for the rap route, I am very much opposed, I understand the concept and know that if you don't find the way that part of the mountain could be very trying. I can't say that the traverse into Dragonscar is guaranteed to be simple but we did find an enjoyable scramble above the end of our route. Hopefully this thread inspires some ascents and those parties can investigate the link.


    Do what feels right to you Matt, ultimately it's your choice, but thanks anyway for being open to input, I for one appreciate it.



  5. I just invested in a Toyota to drag me around in search of sunny rock climbing for the winter. While I've managed to cram all the essentials into the rear of the van, some upper deck storage would streamline my system.


    Anybody out there have an unused roof rack and/or an empty rocket box collecting dust in the garage/storage? My budget is obviously limited, but I'd throw down a couple hundred bucks for a nice box.



  6. trl72.jpg

    Sol following P2





    following P4



    Sol leading P5





    All photos except for the summit shot in the dark are from our recon trip. Hauled the camera up last week but was a little too focused on the climbing. Sol's 'keg stand' of inspiration ranks high among the raddest feats of climbing I've witnessed. After three heart wrenching goes following the sixth pitch he somehow found the energy to pull it off and I almost cried. Interesting to see your grading breakdown Mikey, I hear you on the difficulty of rating stuff, definitely some reachy moves on that route, at least the way I did it. Double toe hooks on the roof pitch sound familiar? Excellent work on the Upper Wall by the way, hit me up if you're in the neighbourhood, we should go to the Drip Wall. Linking the last two pitches to M&M is definitely not the way but is a great challenge, the last couple feet to the ledge were intense to say the least. WA Pass is an amazing place.



  7. DCramer- Yah, we climbed at the wall hi lighted in Smoot's guide, it's got 50 or so routes I think? The book also claims that the area sports 500+ routes so some of the other cliffs must be decent. Some high quality rock for sure, as well as some classic coulee choss. Many of the climbs just need more traffic, we spotted maybe one chalked hold but overall the climbing related impact was nil. Some of the anchors were simple but most were kind of involved. I used one end of the rope to equalize a couple really spread out anchors and still had enough rope left to set up a TR. So bring an old rope or lots of cord/webbing. It's kind of nice to set up several ropes at once so the more gear you bring the better. It seems like it would be a long drive from Seattle but it's not too bad for east siders as a good alternative to Vantage.

  8. I drove up the canyon on Wednesday, turned around at Barney's Rubble due to fog and darkness. Careno Left is pretty much gone, Right has been reduced to a single, sad looking pillar. Last night was sort of chilly but probably far from what we need for ice. Personally I'm hoping for a mild February and an early rock climbing season.


    In a strange turn of events we headed west to escape the shitty weather and had two awesome days at Index...

  9. Jens (H.) and I climbed at the (Second?) Millennium Wall today. Several variations are possible, maybe 7-9, Jens led the obvious thick pillar and then we toproped 3 paths to the right. Beautiful day, Snow Creek Wall is far from in shape but it was a little colder. Looks like maybe one more cold day and then a steady rise in temperature. Guidebook claims 30-40 ft but it was almost exactly a half ropelength (100 ft) to the first sturdy tree. Is it just me or do ice climbs seem a lot longer once you're actually on them?

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