Hey, how's everybody doing? I'm pretty new to climbing (Have about 5 months of indoor experience earlier this year), had to stop for a while because I lost my climbing partner (we broke up). I really want to get back into climbing, and I'm in the process of getting 8-12 friends of mine to take the Intro class at PRG.
Honestly, I don't know where my skills are at, I know that I could almost always get to the top of a 5.7, and 5.8's about 3/4 of the time. I haven't done any lead rope climbing or belaying, but I'm willing to learn the belaying part if that's what it will take to have a partner.
I would like to go 3-4 days a week (since the rainy season is coming, and since gym membership can be expensive). I can be there by 4pm any week day, and any time on the weekends. Oh yeah, except Wednesdays, because of a bowling league.
If you're interested, or know anyone that is interested, please hit me up sometime.