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About DCTransplant

  • Birthday 04/19/1984


  • Occupation
    field dog
  • Location
    the Jeep

DCTransplant's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. I'm game for a twosome or a party, either one. Looks like there is a 5.8 and a 5.9 route, 5.9 being much more sustained in difficulty. I'd love to join you in July but, unfortunately, I'll be back to work in Utah by then. Speaking of work, I'm going into the field today and won't be in touch again until next wednesday. Keep in touch. I'm looking at june 8 - 24 as my timeframe for being in the northwest. If you want, we could try and firm up some dates before I get to Olympia and have a go at it. I've led lots and lots of 5.8, moving into 5.9 cracks. Done lots of multipitch, mostly around Seneca Rocks in West Virginia and lots of single-pitching around Moab. Let me know. -Tom
  2. Howdy, Folks. I'm going to escape some Utah heat and go climb some big routes / a few peaks this June. I'm pretty interested in Dragontail Peak (a 5.8 & a 5.9 route, 2000+ feet) and Outer Space, Liberty Bell (Beckey's or the Crack) and, you know, climbing in general. If alpine rock and peaks sound like your kind of party, let me know. -Tom Slater
  3. I'll do Rainier, depending on route. I'm going to hit Olympia on or about June 8, leave again June 24. I've done some glacier, no technical ice, lots of rock. Made some mistakes, learned some lessons, did Rainier last July. I'm down for most anything June 8 - 24, folks. Hit me up.
  4. Howdy, folks! I'm planning (plan is an overstatement, but I don't have a better word) a trip back to the NorthWest (in UT now) for some climbing in June. If Leavenworth, Squamish or any number of mountains and glaciers sound good during that timeframe, let's start talking. Dates have yet to be finalized but I'm looking to fill up about 20 days with the best of the Pacific Northwest's climbing. Email at yossarian19@gmail.com is best. -Tom Slater
  5. Climb: Mt. Ellinor-Up the Winter Chute, Down the Summer Route Date of Climb: 2/18/2006 Trip Report: Conditions were very clear and very cold over the 18th - 19th. Night on the 18th nearly froze me out - I'm used to 0-10 degrees in the bag I slept in. THe chute was extremely hard, glassy ice with only some of the summer being soft, kick-steppable snow. Glissading down most of teh summer trail proved to be not only expediant but also a cheap thrill - Hours up, minutes down, chilled dangly-bits. Snowpack was stable and deep, but the traverse to Mt. Washington looked treacherous. Perhaps with a rappel or great daring it would have been doable, but old-fart climbing partners and lack of technical gear ruled out the traverse. Gear Notes: Used: crampons, axe Shoulda had: full-length rope (for traverse to washington) Approach Notes: Road is shut down about 1.5 miles from lower trailhead. Trails are well-traveled and fairly obvious. Descending summer trail, walk straight past the turn-off and continue down ridge (following footprints) for a significant shortcut to upper trailhead. Snowshoes not needed - it's hard packed, sun-baked and well-crusted.
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