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Everything posted by ToddKutzke

  1. Tony Calderone has published Moab Rock Climbing here on rakkup. This is the most comprehensive Moab guidebook to Wall Street, The Ice Cream Parlor and River Road Dihedrals and Tony is updating this guidebook all the time with the latest beta.
  2. Local Squamish guidebook publisher and guide, Marc Bourdon, has put out a new Smoke Bluffs Guidebook here on rakkup. This guidebook contains over 600 single pitch climbs to the most popular crags in Canada and contains more current route information than Marc's print guidebook.
  3. Robert Miramontes published Joshua Tree Rock Climbs found here on rakkup. This guidebook contains over 3000 of the best routes and problems at JT and car to crag navigation to every climb. Ever been lost at JT? This digitial guidebook will get you to the crag without getting lost. Works beyond cell service because it communicates directly with GPS satellites.
  4. Tony Calderone who has been climbing at The City for over 20 years has published a new City of Rocks guidebook found here. This guidebook includes car to crag navigation, works beyond cell service and Tony is constantly working on keeping it up to date.
  5. Jim's excellent Mt. Erie found here is now available on rakkup, with car to crag navigation to every crag. Have you ever been lost trying to find a climb at Mt. Erie? This guidebook will help keep you on track.
  6. My buddy Rob Price and I just launched our Exit 38 digital rakkup guide. We had a lot of fun creating this guide and invite you to check it out. It includes everything on Amazonia, Club Paradiso, Deception Wall, Hull Creek, Kiosk, Nevermind, Semi, Substation, Actual Cave, & Write-Off walls. More updates coming soon. Exit 38 Digital rakkup guide Here are a few screenshots:
  7. Exit 38 digital rakkup guide Today my buddy Rob Price and I launched our Exit 38 digital rakkup guide. We had a lot of fun creating this guide and invite you to check it out. It includes everything on Amazonia, Club Paradiso, Deception Wall, Hull Creek, Kiosk, Nevermind, Semi, Substation, Actual Cave, & Write-Off walls. More updates coming soon.
  8. glacier?
  9. thx. i had a lot of fun making this video.
  10. Check out my new video, "Rock Wars" which includes Mt. Baring, Vanishing Point footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy5jZnFUhDE part 1, 10 min http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is8hRmGOJgc part 2, 10 min http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_YXpzDcXt4 part 3, 7 min
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