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Posts posted by hjennings

  1. Check out their "Super Suck Vent Tent." I applied for a US Patent a few years ago. As soon as I applied (which is when protection starts if the patent is issued) I mailed off details of my invention to every tent manufacturer in the US... one of them being Pika.


    After the patent was issued (6,397,869) I was in discussions with a different company about a licensing agreement when they discovered the item being sold by Pika (made by Integral Design of Canada). That spoiled the licensing agreement. UGH! frown.gif


    So, anywho, I pretty much let it go. But about 3 months ago a toy company contacted me about my patent. They are looking at getting into sporting goods equipment and want to license my patent.


    They have reviewed my patent as well as the item being sold by Pike... and they have refered me to a contingent fee lawyer. They (Pika and Integral Design) now have until the end of the month to comply or we'll be looking at civil action. Heck, it is a win/win for me. I don't have to pay the attorney a dime unless I win, so no skin off my nose except for a few stamps.

  2. RIP OFFS! Pika Mountaineering is currently infringing upon my patent. It looks like I'm going to have to take them to court. No skin off my nose since my attorney is working for a contingency. But still... Like it'd cost them much to just buy my design. Ugh! Why do some people have to be greedy?

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